ToJ Get-2-Gether

Mid Atlantic would be good too

(uummm, that would be the DC area)

You should make a better plan than pointing finger of where to go.

Try to find where everyone lives at, when thats done, calucalate the who is closer to where, then try to centralize a place to where everyone can meet.

For example: Mostly everyone here is in the United States of America, the best centralized location would be in the middle of America. From the way I see it, between Mountain and Central Time zone states; North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas.

Those states are right down the middle of USA.

Or in my case; Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba.
Divine and I were talking about a DC lan party thing, there's quite a few potential toj people that could come or already live there.
yes me and Maxx talked about DC actually before this discussion and well i recently talked to Seed and well he is up for a party at his house....he is in DC tops 30 minutes away with traffic....used to live near him....he has a nice house for a lan party too...big basement...almost mansion and he also has many other rooms like big screen tv also in basement if people want to take a break....been to his house too much I know all of this stuff but anyways it would be a perfect place to go...and guys on west coast you guys should get to 1 spot over there on like the same day and we can talk over a messenger and take down like prayer requests and pray for eachother i mean for the people who are not alowed to fly across country that is or not enough yeah i think DC is 1 step ahead since we already have a place we can go to....:D
logically, wouldnt the best form of something like this find an area with a high exposure and open an invite to community in order to witness to area? just a thought....
Or maybe, have some regional get togethers through out the year. That would maximize our potential to witness and provide an opportunity for fellowship with other members.
...i am in Lousiana so i can go around here...but i can also go in Virginia area...thanks to Seed...good having friends in different places lol...
I WANNA GO! *begs parents to get a ticket from San Jose to Mid-West...* lol. I really would, but again, traveling far is not my thing AND my parents would'nt really buy me a ticket for mysefl...