Today was a momentous occasion. picture included

Elader Arkon

Helped Tek test a thing
I have finally accomplished the What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been achievement. It reminded me of all the great times I've had in this game and why I don't think I'll ever willingly leave. So I made a collage on one of those free-to-collage sites from some of my screenshots.
long strange trip.jpg
AND you survived Barrens chat.

So there's that, too.


In all seriousness, congratulations, man. I remember reading about that achievement and thinking that it would take some serious dedication to earn it. (I also thought, "I will NEVER be able to get that achievement," too, but mostly I was just impressed by anyone who did manage to earn it. :))
Thanks :)

I actually put in a ticket to find out what my very first character was and when I created it. Turns out it was my mage, now named Pyrilian. I created the character June 7, 2008. I didn't start trying to complete the necessary world events for the Long Strange Trip achievement until 2010 though. I figured it was a good achievement to take a step back and contemplate the wonderful adventure that has been my time in the game. I may at some point try to create my own better collage of memorable screenshots.
I remember Shadowbill was working on em right around when they came out. @ the time, I didn't really care, was more interested in lvling and getting gear. After a lil whle, I really wanted to get the Luv's Fool title, thot it was kind of cool when I got it and it kind of sucked me in to get the rest. *LOL*
I'm addicted to titles. So far I've got 31 of them. My next big thing is going to be getting the Loremaster achievements.
I'm addicted to titles. So far I've got 31 of them. My next big thing is going to be getting the Loremaster achievements.

Loremaster is a cool one, I got that one too. It took awhile also. I lvled a few alts by getting them to do some of the lowbie areas that I needed. I'm working on the Insane title now and I just need to get the steamwheedle goblin rep. My account is not active right now, but I plan to finish it in the summer. :p