To renew or not to renew...

What do I do since my account expires tomorrow?

  • Renew it stupid!

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • Go quietly into that dark night

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Go play Aion!

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • Read a book

    Votes: 12 35.3%

  • Total voters
    34 what you want. Of course I"d want you to renew it because I like playing with you on there. But I'm tired of hearing how bored you are :P what you want. Of course I"d want you to renew it because I like playing with you on there. But I'm tired of hearing how bored you are :P

The Significant Other has spoken... Let me translate this for you all. (joking of course)

To all single/non-married you read this as such:

" what you want. blah blah blah blah blah blah :P"
Woohoo! Do what I want, she gave me the green light, I am going to Aion and new content!

To all happily married people reading this:

" what you want. Of course I"d want you to renew it and I also want you to stop complaining=P"
Ok so I should always want what my wife wants and that is clearly to keep playing with her and to stop complaining.
I tend to agree with Ewoks on his interpretation.

I would've made it even more simple:

"I want you do to what makes you happy so long as it is to renew WoW and stop complaining about it."
LOL! Nice work interpreting. I think you are prolly dead on. Well, it turns out that I'm gonna go read a book... cause I don't have the money for Aion right now anyways. haha. I'll renew my WoW account in a little while. I think it'll be good to take a break and allow my interest to be rekindled when new content is released :)
The Significant Other has spoken... Let me translate this for you all. (joking of course)

To all single/non-married you read this as such:

" what you want. blah blah blah blah blah blah :P"
Woohoo! Do what I want, she gave me the green light, I am going to Aion and new content!

To all happily married people reading this:

" what you want. Of course I"d want you to renew it and I also want you to stop complaining=P"
Ok so I should always want what my wife wants and that is clearly to keep playing with her and to stop complaining.

oh my, hahaha! srsly, this is totally true. i'm still laughing....