To not renew


New Member
After thinking about it and trying to figure out what I wanted to do I decided to let my WoW account expire for now. I plan to come back in the near future, but for the time being I think I'm gonna give it a rest. I want my financial situation to be a little more stable and right now I'm at a point where spending $15 a month might actually make a difference. Also, I've been sorta slowing down on my interest in WoW.. so I think it'll be a good chance to take a break for a while and get more excited about playing it later.

This isn't a goodbye.. so no reason to say much more haha. I'll be seeing you guys in a little while back in game. Have fun without me and I'll be back before you know it :)
ps... my poll from earlier was a sham! haha

Well duh... It didn't have a Camm option. HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING?!?!!?!/1/

Anyway. I can't say that I'll see you in game for obvious reasons, but I'll continue to see you on the forums!
lol, I did see them... and it made me think I shoulda stepped away sooner so Blizz would have done that a while ago!!! I'll certainly be back sometime around 3.3 dropping. But for now it's not so bad to take a step away :)
i miss it but not at the same time! i love the game and the guild but the time it consumes im glad i have to myself again