
Yeah best tip I can give you is don't listen to myles
Too bad, cause I have no idea who is 'Myles', and the fact I know NO ONES names. Dead_Aim = Dead/aim.

"I like, I am, I am a ROXOR, I am a L33T"

I bet you wouldnt do that in public.
Corpfox, do you ever think before you start to type something, or do you just kinda sit blindly at the monitor while your fingers type anything. Just stick with playing counter-strike and dont say anything ... ever.
guys yes at times we can be bragging why not admit it, do we do it on purpose, NO, do we knowtice it, maybe not, but if someone thinks we are, instead of getting defensive about it, and hardening our hearts, why not ask them to show us, so that we can change, and live an unreproachable life, and a life that is holy and pleasing to God.

Maybe try a little more patience too with some people, not everyone is on the same page, and i would be willing to wager i am not the only person here who has foot in mouth sydrome....
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]guys yes at times we can be bragging why not admit it, do we do it on purpose

Im sure u just said that so me and Goose62 wouldnt fight here.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Just stick with playing counter-strike and dont say anything ... ever.

"Negative", "Affirmative", "Enemy Spotted" - I can't say those either?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Corpfox, do you ever think before you start to type something, or do you just kinda sit blindly at the monitor while your fingers type anything.

Maybe I should come to the CGA convention, meet you in person, and kick your butt, Goose62.

For a Christian, Goose62, you sure are furious with my P'0ed off language/attitude.

Least I'm not a ToJ, or you would ban me for Insubordinate Behavior.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | Dead_Aim @ Feb. 24 2004,4:36)]Yeah killing you just isn't a big thing really, kind of...well... "a fact of life" per say
The thought of you owning me is hillarious Micah. If I didn't have projectile vommiting ATM I would laugh. =\
for me i just prefer to be on dead_aims side and watch him own everyone for me
No i said we all brag because its tru, now its up to you whether or not you want to keep lying to your self about it.
Got a warning, sorry Goose, and to all your "Brothers & Sisters".

But if anyone talks back at me, I cant hold responsible for my actions.

Elite - err...Dont u read my profile?

Age: 21
State: I'm not an american
Country: Canada
Province: British Columbia
City: Coquitlam (7 hours away to the Seattle Border((US))
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Corpfox @ Feb. 25 2004,5:33)]State: I'm not an american
Country: Canada
Province: British Columbia
City: Coquitlam (7 hours away to the Seattle Border((US))
He's from Canadia ... that explains it all