

New Member
Hey all, I searched around in here but I couldn't find any tips on here for improving our cstrike game. I know the best way is in game through practice, but some discussion about settings, gun choices etc would be great. If you have any opinions on things please share them and why you think so!

Things I'm wondering about:
1)Mouse speed
2)Screen resolution
3)Gun preferences
4)silencer? (pistol and colt)
5)when to crouch

1 & 2 I have no idea. i left it whatever the default setting was...

3 i really have no preference. though i'm not very fond of the machine gun

4. silencer. use it when yer the only one left.

5. crouch. crouching always imporves your aim. but it leaves u stationary. never crouch when yer going up against a sniper, but if yer going against someone with another type of gun (such as the famas or the ak) and yer a good ways away (which I would define as about the length of the tunnel on Italy), take the time to crouch. u might lose a few hp, but yer more likely to take them out with a hs by crouching.
I have my mouse sensitivity set at 20 (actually 26 in console, cuz I didn't know it peaked at 20) because I find I do best with it, but normal CS people prefer low settings (i.e. 1-3). Duelies and the 5-7 aren't very productive and are mainly used for bragging rights, don't awp because we need less awps in this world, don't auto-shotgun for previous reason, and when in doubt... no-scope scout.

El Jefe de Nadie
spooky wooky wooky:D
1) I use 640x480
2) Depending on if you're sniping or running assault, I like 3.5
3)m4a1 for overall, mp5 for rushing, awp or scout for snipe
4)I use silencer on my colt for spray
5)crouch for long distances or while waiting for someone
1) Mouse speed should only be based on your reflexes, and not anyone elses. Just because you have Ksharp's config dosen't mean that youll instantly become as good as him.

What I did to get my sense the way it is is to just let go and let your instincts/reflexes take over. Alot of people say they have no reflexes, but thats not true. Every person has them, you just have to make the connection between the computer and your brain.
If your aiming too far, then decrease your sensitivity and visa versa. May take awhile to find the sense thats right for you, but dont worry. It's really worth it

2) This is really just your preferance. Dosen't really effect anything with the exception if you have bad FPS.

3) Don't use any SMG except MP5 Navy. For rifles, Once again, its your preferance.
When playing with SIG/AUG, Don't use the scope because it causes your gun to shoot slower and adds more recoil. For long ranges, use 2 bullet bursts with the scope off.
When using AK crouching isnt going to help your recoil a whole lot when spraying. So either aim down (low) or dont spray.

4) Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever
silence your USP. Silencers tend to increase recoil, and slightly lower damage. Your better off using a glock than a silenced USP.
For colts, once again increaded recoil (less than the USP, but still slightly) but I like to use it when either im all alone, or when its extreemly close range.

5) Don't crouch when:
- Your right in their face. Then all you have to aim at is their feet and all they have to aim at is your head 0_o

- Your using a MP5. Try strafing back and fourth (long strafes) with this gun because its a SMG and its useless to crouch with and SMG.

- Some people do this, but I dont recommend it when AWPing. Your accuracy is the same (unless your moving) and your more likely to get your head taken off because your lower to the ground and people typically people aim for (at long range anyways) the chest.

- Some pistols you shoudn't crouch with like the Glock.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Parakletos @ Feb. 18 2004,5:00)]3) Don't use any SMG except MP5 Navy. For rifles, Once again, its your preferance.
When playing with SIG/AUG, Don't use the scope because it causes your gun to shoot slower and adds more recoil. For long ranges, use 2 bullet bursts with the scope off.
When using AK crouching isnt going to help your recoil a whole lot when spraying. So either aim down (low) or dont spray.
The P90 is my special friend...
ummm i was bored one day and i found that the terrorist pistol is the best out of em all. all smg are really equal i didt find one i liked. and i havent been able to be alone on babos server long enough to test out all the rifles. i like scouts since their lighter than others but dont have 1 hit kill.
This is my breakdown:

1) Mouse speed: Max Win XP/Logitech Max Speed also (if you have one). I use 1.0 as my sense. for the simple reason of accuracy. A comfortable beginning speed would prolly be 3.0 and slowly work your way down as you get comfortable.

2) I use 800x600, I find 640 to be WAY to large by any means and 1060x740 VERY small though usable on 19inch+ screens if you <3 seeing more of the map.

3) I stick to the main weapons: Ak/Colt (with silencer for accuracy, stealth, recoil) / Awp and pistols: Deagle/Usp. I suggest using them all a fair amount and see which ones fit you best. Its more personal pref. here than anywhere else.

4) I use my silencer on my colt 80% of the time, sometimes I don't for some reason but I find in 1.6 headshots register better with silencer and if a large number of people are running at you it is easier to kill them all with the lack of recoil. As far as usp w/silencer I suggest NEVER doing it. The recoil is insane and most people get way more headshots/register without it.

5) Never crouch when your on the assault, I find myself doing it sometimes and Ive tried to stop. Most people argue it makes for better accuracy which is somewhat true but it leaves you stationary which leads to death. I suggest walking, take it slow and you get the same steady X-hairs as if you were crouching (this technique is essential to AK). I suggest crouching when in a set awp position or if you are in a big gun battle and your X-hairs are way above the guy your shooting at's head. (If there are two, shoot the first on the walk, jump to reposition, shoot a little, strafe left/right crouch)
alrighty i was bored and found the best smg and best terrorist rifle: the smg winner is: UMP! rifle is the CV. i was doin the Ct rifles then i got interupted by someone who wanted to plant a bomb -_-
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Atown @ Feb. 19 2004,5:13)]alrighty i was bored and found the best smg and best terrorist rifle: the smg winner is: UMP! rifle is the CV. i was doin the Ct rifles then i got interupted by someone who wanted to plant a bomb -_-
Hes asking for tips Atown, that doesn't help
that helps alot knowing which gun can aim and is more efficiant.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Parakletos @ Feb. 18 2004,5:00)]3) Don't use any SMG except MP5 Navy.
I happen to prefer the mac10... very nice gun O-o

1)Mouse speed
Wut he said
2)Screen resolution
W/e means u dont lag (experimentation
3)Gun preferences
What you like, I carry 1-3 (p22) and 3-1(Mac10/TMP) when low on money, when high, Colt, or Ak. Mac10's for fooling around, Navy = best smg
4) Pistol = no. Colt = What everyone else said
5) Vs. (All close range)
Sniper = No
Colt = No
Anything else = yes
Uh, if their farther away, crouch if ur aim improves, ionno, my aim's bad so crouching doesnt help
1) Mousespeed(sensitivity):4.0
2)Screen res: 640x480. I'd like to thank Goose62 for the recommandation! it was a way to the 1337zone...err well i ended up in the nub zone but thats just meh fault

3)Gun preferences: It depends really. I'll tell u wat i like
USP .45 Tactical (by far this is the best pistol i ever used, hands down!) Good power, and speed.
Desert Eagle: during scrims, or in a pub or any kind of game, i sometimes find this hand gun pretty well controlled. Doesn't compare well against my fav usp, but it's a useful weapon. Amazing power, but speed and 7 ammo clip gets it down a little, u'll be caught reloading often.
Five-seveN/Elite dual pistols: 5-7 is CT only, Duals are for Ts only. They're for some fun use, but i find Dualies beating shield alot. Ask Thad, he'll know what i mean

Sub-Machineguns:MP-5 Navy Shotgun: M3 pump action shotgun
M4A1 Carbine: I usually put silencer on, but depends on my tactics CT only weapon
Ak-47: it's accuracy mite folllow M4 when it comes to blazing, but it's a good weapon. If you can learn to control it's accuracy, u can spray it and it'll come effective due to it's power.
FAMAS: New CT weapon in 1.6. I find this useful when i'm short on budget, so rather then saving for a M4, i sometimes go with the new FAMAS and chance some kills.
Galil: New T weapon in 1.6. I think Galil is a better choice then a mp5, in long range and accuracy, and the powerful 5.56 calibre makes it pierce walls. Depends on the situation though, i may go with a mp5 and a usp/deagle, or Galil and keep my default glock.
SteyrAUG/SG550: Nice heavy rifles. they hav small zoom range so it can come useful when it's used in mid/long ranged fires. Great match when ur teams using Ak/Colt
Steyr Scout: 2 hits and ur enemy goes down. Handy weapon, and it's not as heavy as the AWP, so with precise control, it can be a deadly weapon.
AWM/AWP: 1 shot (excluding legs) and ur enemy goes down. One of the most highly used weapons. I usually get this weapon, when my teams on the loser side, or when the other teams are abusing Awp use. However, u can't ignore it's power, and accuracy when using scopes.

Basic Tactics with Rifles: I'll jus go over rifles, since it's used mostly and higher ranks compared to the sub-machines. When your far away, burst 2-3 bullets at a time, as ur opponent gets closer, increase that bullet upto 4-5, and if he's close enough, Blaze(blaze, meaning u hold ur mouse button, and the automatic rifle will shoot constantly, till its out of ammo. U gotta keep ur crosshair on the enemy though, so u gotta pay attention
If you dont have one already, a laser mouse is a good investment.

I have my own custom controls which I find to work pretty good, the only bad thing is having to set them all up everytime I use a different computer or format.
heya thadd... remember when I said hi to you on the CS server, it's cause I thought that you = cory. but when you didn't recognize me I thought I made a mistake... ^_^ I guess not

Pip ^^
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I have my own custom controls /I'll tell u wat i like/ i was bored and found the/I use 1.0 as my sense...

Arent you braggers, ToJ's.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I happen to prefer the mac10... very nice gun O-o

1)Mouse speed
Wut he said
2)Screen resolution
W/e means u dont lag (experimentation
3)Gun preferences
What you like, I carry 1-3 (p22) and 3-1(Mac10/TMP) when low on money, when high, Colt, or Ak. Mac10's for fooling around, Navy = best smg
4) Pistol = no. Colt = What everyone else said
5) Vs. (All close range)
Sniper = No
Colt = No
Anything else = yes
Uh, if their farther away, crouch if ur aim improves, ionno, my aim's bad so crouching doesnt help

Use your own common sense.
If u want a pistol with high damage, use a magnum or a rapid firing, use a glock. SMG's : MP-5 for accuracy and high rate of fire, UMP for firepower. If u like to camp a lot, use sniper rifles, or not, use any freaking weapon u like.