Time to take a break


Ok guys, alot of ya'll know that my marriage split up last month. Anyways I have a chance to save it but it's going to require me to sacrifice warcraft. I love my wife dearly even if we do frustrate the crap out of each other at times. Lately though this game has been more frustrating then life, and in some moments felt more important then life. While my wife and I may not get back togather I think it is good for us to make an effort. If it does not work out I still plan on taking an extended leave and carve myself a nice little place in this world or real life. I will miss all the friendships I've built in redeemed over the years. I wish everyone the best of luck in life and in game. Please keep my family in your prayers, we will need them.
Good choice. No contest. God > Family > Everything Else.

Keep looking forward. I pray He will give you strength and patience. He is able.
Ericin, I'll certainly pray over you and your wife! God is a God of restoration. I will pray that He will restore you and your wife and you absolutely made the right choice. Talk to you later brother!
Thanks for making the right decision. I appreciate it when Godly people step up to do what is right - and you are. I hope you will stop by the forum from time to time, but only if it does not impede progress in your marriage relationship. You will be in our prayers as will your entire family. I certainly hope your wife is also following Christ - if so your relationship can and will be healed, for all things are possible through Christ! We love and will miss you, but we definitely understand and support your decision and actions.
Love ya dude, and will be waiting for our awesome tank to make a grand return one of these days.. i will miss you tons bro,,,btw just cuz your on a break doesnt mean you cant
come in vent and hang out every once in a while.. Dont be a stranger! If you need anyone to talk to you know myself and many others are here
for you anytime.. much love bro..
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Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers guys. I will do my best to keep ya'll updated. A good verse for me to keep in mind will be Psalms 37:8.

Ash, I will get in vent as often as I can. Best of luck with the Late night group, I'll be looking for those pics of Arthas's corpse. Im gonna miss being your tank.

In Christian Love;
Based on my severely limited knowledge of the situation, I think you made the right decision.

I think the biblical principle boils down to God > others > myself. And WoW, depending on your play style, involves a lot of time that is just "myself".

I appreciate your selflessness, and it sets a great example!
you know this with our time talking, but if you need someone to talk with as you walk this road, let me know on the forums somehow. You are making the best choice and I hope God brings your heats together and closer to him in ways you could not even dream of. i pray that in 10 years you look back with your wife and praise God for HIS intervention.
Praying for you my brother!
Hey Bro, this is skrubs.. absolutely the best decision. Im also praying for you. You will be missed here but there are more important things than this. May the lord bless you and keep you.. ALWAYS. Im glad i met you..I praise God for that.. you take care bro.