Time to get some things set straight.

After a vacation that was just a bit too long (10 days to be exact), I'm back. As I'm sure Silver and Gideon are taking some well deserved R&R from their missions trip, I can't say I speak for them, only for myself.

As far as this:

Tsawdak said:
I am frustrated because there seems to be no coordination as to getting any practices up or training of people so we have a very strong PvP presence. It seems there is an "INSIDERS" group that knows about the PvP and GvG stuff.

I got GW for the PvP and GvG stuff. I left a small guild that I was the appointed leader of just so I could have a chance of PvP and GvG. Well, I even tried to get something going by having a Tombs nite. Even those who showed up didn't seem to be interested in it. Then the following thread was started:


I also was upset, but didn't say anything, that there was a GvG, but nobody seems to have known but the special "INSIDERS" group.

The GvG that you are referring to was completely impromptu. There was no planning, it was just 5 people who noticed that we had an unusally large number of folks online at once, and that we should try out GvG. IIRC, the team members were Vibro, Paladin of Chaos, Nestor, myself, and I cannot remember the 5th (who has every right to blast me for not remembering).

I apologize if you feel left out. The problem, as I see it, is not that there is an "insider" group; rather, it's that there has been virtually no leadership in the PvP area. I plan on taking steps to correct this. Again, my sincerest apologies to anyone who was offended by not being included in this unplanned, impromptu battle-- I can understand your frustration.

Tsawdak, or anyone else: if you want to have a Tombs night, or a GvG battle, or make a FoW or UW run, or hit up the team arenas for practice, I will make it a priority to attend to the best of my ability. I cannot guarantee my participation (as everyone has real life responisibilities), but I will do my best.

Also, I suggest Monday nights as great nights to set up these types of activities. Why? Well, we're all Christians here (at least, that's the idea). Silver, and myself are both music directors at our church-- this takes out Tuesday nights for me, and likely either Tuesday or Thursday night for him. Wednesday nights are traditionally youth group/adult fellowship times at evangelical churches, and Friday and Saturday are "going out" nights. That leaves Sunday and Monday, and it's been my experience that very few folks play on Sundays. However, come on Monday at about 10:30 EST, you're likely to find 7-10 people online already.

In the meantime, I'll be building up my Ele and farming FoW and UW with my Wa/Mo. Looking forward to seeing you online,

An equally sizeable part of the problem is that a majority of our members do not use these forums. Or if they do, they aren't posting to make their presence and voice heard. Last night I had to inform one of our officers that we used Teamspeak. He didn't know.

If anything is to be planned that takes practice and coordination, we must make it a priority to have all users try and visit this forum at least a few times a week, and preferably once a day. Otherwise, scheduling is impossible, and anyone that gets left out can only blame themself.
we must make it a priority to have all users try and visit this forum at least a few times a week
Yes, I agree. Maybe the guild message of the day can really encourage people to visit the forum and get caught up before the login each session.

I found this article the other day and thought it was really good for improving grouping skills. Maybe we could have a recommended reading list on the SoE page.
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Sorry everyone for being gone for so long... This is a very busy summer for me. My church upped my pay and the work I need to get done. I'm very happy for this because my dream is to one day be full time... On top of that, I was gone on vacation, had mission trip fund raising and then headed off to Mexico for the missions trip... I'm back now, but getting into gaming has been a little difficult since I've been back. My wife and I are logging on GW now.. I'm going to try to earn a little money for the 15k gladiator armor.

ewoksrule, great idea on the guild message.

~Justin Arent GW: Silver Sand, Quality Check, Phoenix Ashes

ewoksrule said:
Yes, I agree. Maybe the guild message of the day can really encourage people to visit the forum and get caught up before the login each session.

I found this article the other day and thought it was really good for improving grouping skills. Maybe we could have a recommended reading list on the SoE page.