Thursday Sept. 25th 7:30 PM Pacific Open RvR


Active Member
Hail and well met courageous travelers! It is time to stake our claim and make our mark on Red Eye Mountian!!

This Thursday we will foray into battle under the standard of Redeemed to take the fight to the wicked Chaos evil doers! They have owned our territory long enough!

Invites will begin at around 7:30 PM Pac. time. Sorry it is late, but that is when I can start. We will be heading to the Tier 2 Warcamps to begin our assault on the Chaos. Everyone is welcome to attend, it is not mandatory. We will give priority to our alliance members and levels 14+ but again all are welcome to tag along. We are looking to form a full warband or 4 full groups. We will begin by taking some capture points (to be determined that night). We will work out kinks in team work and strategy on 2 to 6 points (which is 600 RP's per take by the way).

Then if we have 5 tanks and enough people we will assault a keep. We need 5 tanks due to the strategy i have seen work. One tank on each mob in the Keep Lords room. All DPS on the Lord healers do their healing thing.

We will be posting some videos here and possibly some recommended down loads for add on's.

For the Kingdom of God we game and for the Glory of the Lord we play.