Thursday, March 5, 2009

Abba San

Legacy of Elijah [LoE] - Proud Grandfather
Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live. Psalm 43:3 (NLT)

What a great prayer to pray every morning.

For me - especially this morning (it is still Wednesday). I am posting Thursday's verse-of-the-day on Wednesday because I'm not sure when I will be back at my computer. I leave in a few hours with Obi Kaybee for Amman, Jordan and Israel. I'll be there for two weeks. I'm going to see some of those holy mountains and places where God showed himself to his people. I'll be posting photos on Facebook - just request to be my friend. In that world I am Al Marks, not Abba San.

Keep me in prayer - and Obi Kaybee, too - please.