Thoughts on SmartDraw


I heard it was all right for stuff like graphic design, and I can get it for 49 dollars... any thoughts? I need to know soon, so if you could get the information to me yesterday, that'd be good too :p
I've never used it, so I can't be of much help. :(

Here's the SmartDraw web site, in case anyone's interested in reading up on it or downloading a demo.
I use smartdraw at work to create a plethora of forms, map out processes and do planning. There are all kinds of things included with the suite version, probably more then most care to use.

As for graphic design, you probably can do just fine with it.
Not sure what the functionality of it is. Being an engineer i am familiar with MS project. WHile it is a beast of a program, it does manage projects very well (Gantt charts etc..) which this program seems to emulate.

What exactly are you trying to achieve with the software.. There may be better (and free) alternatives.
yeeaaah so anyway, sorry for the delay of response, but I'm not getting it. We contacted a local graphic designer and they said, basically, "If you like it, get it, but it's not going to do a whole lot of good." And besides that, I couldn't figure out how much I liked it in time for the sale, soooo... that's the news.
