[b said:
Quote[/b] (Rand NobleBlade @ Oct. 02 2003,8:57)]
(I'm a basketball fan so...)
The Lakers pray to God that they will beat the Bulls.
The Bulls pray to God that they will beat the Lakers.
So what does God do?
A. Chooses one team, perhaps based on their devotion. But we are talking a team here...so is it the sum total of belief/goodness? (I only expect an answer here if you believe that God directly intervenes and helps Shaq make the winning free throw (now THAT would be a miracle, LOL)).
B. Lets it be decided on ability alone. In other words, without him interfering, the best team wins.
Likewise, is it possible that God just didn't do anything on 9-11 because of a similar reason? Not because we are an evil nation, but because he just doesn't bother with stuff like that?
As far as us being an evil nation:
We have supported Israel for decades. Even Clinton supported the nation. Should that not count for something? I mean, what happened to the whole thing about God supporting nations that support Israel?
The real irony is that our support for Israel is one of the reasons bin Laden did it. He also did it because we are, in his opinion, an evil nation. (Nice to see so many Christians agreeing with him...shows that Christians and Muslims (and Jews for that matter) are not that different.)
Secondly, I am an historian. I would like you to tell me when we were a "Christian" nation. The founding fathers were not Baptists nor were they Catholics. They were, for the most part, Deists and Unitarians. But you know what? That doesn't even matter. The REAL point is that they looked at Europe and saw how people were killed in wars and persecuted for religion. So, they worked up a clause holding that the nation could not impose a religion. That includes Christianity.
So, basically...
1-when were we a Christian nation?
2-considering that we have had mainstream Protestant Christians in the Whitehouse since Carter (including the good Christian George W. Bush), what must we do?
Now, on to your other points.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]so have we chosen to have a government that has no place for God.
Really? Name our last atheist president. Kennedy doesn't count.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It is a simmple truth, our country has rejected God.
Really? What happened to the 90+% of God fearing Americans that most Christians love to trot out? Why are they only there when someone dares to suggest that the 10 commandments don't belong in an alabama courthouse, or that the pledge should go back to "One nation, indivisible" like it originally was?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]not only have we told God that we don't want his guidence
Really? When did that announcement come out?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]we are also lessening our support for Isreal, his chosen people.
Can you back that one up?
PERHAPS if the quit killing Palastinians...
Also, do you see a difference between not supporting Israel and being their enemy? Or no?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Our nation Prospered since its inception becasue we offered a safe have for peopel to practice religion as they saw fit, including the Jews.
And Hindus, and Muslims, and Daoists, and Buddhists, and...atheists.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]And during World war two our country provided a safe haven for the Jewish people
Please tell me you are kidding. We locked our doors to Eastern European Jews.
Check out Henry Ford sometime. He was quite anti-semitic.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]the past decade our country has tride to broaker treaty after treaty that would devide up the land God gave the isrealites.
Try again. How long?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]and the peopel who seek the land also seek the destruction of Isreal.
Wow. I had no idea that the Palastinians were an invading army.
Correct me if I am wrong, but were they not there as well, before the majority of European and American Jews entered the state of Palestine?
Know what? I would suggest you read up on the Balfour Declaration. Here's a start:
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Isreal will always stand.
Even without US support? Then why do they need our support?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]These words come from a deep love for my country and a desire to see it become great agian.
Yeah. Too bad we have those horrid leaders who denounce Christ, Like GW Bush.