This kid was asking for it.

That teacher should get fired. People shouldnt get singled out just because they like a certain sports team. Even if the teacher was joking around what he did was wrong, disrespectful and insulting.
Agreed, he should be fired, just cause someone is different doenst mean they can be mistreated, especially for a little thing, like sports. discusting
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the dude is 17 years old. Suck it up and be a man. Hes just finding a way out after failing a final he didn't study for. I'm naive too like that when it comes to sports, but "unnerved" over crumpled paper? The dude has to grow up
The only point I could see in this thing would be if the teacher was making a point of him... it is an ethnicity class, the teacher may have been tring to show what its like to be singled out. Though I don't think that is what this teacher had in mind... I could see doing this to prove a point and spend the second half of the class talking about the feelings and emotions involved.
If I wear my T-shirt that reads "I believe in the Big Bang-- God said Bang, and it happened!" to an Atheist convention, I expect ridicule. This kid wore the jersey of the enemy in hostile territory. Did the teacher go overboard? Sure. Did the kid bring it upon himself? You better believe it.
Master~Plan said:
the dude is 17 years old. Suck it up and be a man. Hes just finding a way out after failing a final he didn't study for. I'm naive too like that when it comes to sports, but "unnerved" over crumpled paper? The dude has to grow up

How do YOU know he didnt study for his test?

[ said:
WildBillKickoff]If I wear my T-shirt that reads "I believe in the Big Bang-- God said Bang, and it happened!" to an Atheist convention, I expect ridicule. This kid wore the jersey of the enemy in hostile territory. Did the teacher go overboard? Sure. Did the kid bring it upon himself? You better believe it.

He brought it upon himself? For being a fan of a football team that his teacher doesnt like? Teachers are supposed to hold a high level of integrity and maturity and as far as im concerned when a teacher leaves his or her house every morning to go to work their personal life needs to stay there. A class room is for educating and learning, not for ridiculing people based on what football team they like or dislike.

I find it sad that both of you dont find this wrong at all and that one of you is making accusations that this kid is trying to "find a way out."
Up until Sunday I had a relativlely high opinion of the Steelers. Now, being a Broncos fan, that opinion has dropped significantly, and with this article so has my opinion of their fans in general. What that teacher did really is quite over the top.
Wow its disgusting to see that some of you support the teacher's behaviour, and blame the kid for wearing that jersey. Do you guys miss the part of him having to write the exam on the floor??? So what if its a ethinicity class, did the teacher clarify it after the incident in the class?? If he did then the kid is making a big fuss about it, but it looks like the teacher didn't.
How do YOU know he didnt study for his test?
I don't, and you don't know if he did study. I'm just more tired of everyone being so good at playing victim, it makes me sick. His case is "boo hoo I got crumpled paper thrown at me". uhg, only in America....
Master~Plan said:
His case is "boo hoo I got crumpled paper thrown at me".

Uhhh no. His case is "I got mistreated and singled out by a teacher for liking something he doesnt." Why dont we take this same situation but change it around a bit. Say a student went into class wearing a shirt that said "jesus is Lord" and the teacher was wearing a shirt that said "Hail Satan." Then the teacher forced the student to sit on the floor and had people throw things at him while calling him a "stinking Jesus freak." What would your thoughts be on that? They would be different wouldnt they? And only because you happen to believe in the same thing said student believed in.

uhg, only in America....

Only in america? Right.
B-Man, actually, I would still think the kid is a cry-baby.

I remember, when I was growing up, the clarion call of such things was "sticks an stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Ultimately, these were just words.

These kids, everyone here included, will face random insults like this for the rest of their lives, unless they are those who never choose a side in anything.

But let's face it, the kid choose to obey the teacher and sit on the floor (I wouldn't have) and allowed the paper to be thrown at him (I probably would have let this slide and just ignored it). He allowed the mockery to turn him into a bowl of blubber (and yes I was mocked quite a bit as a child), though that could be the fault of the liberal-based education he's received these past 11-12 years. He choose to get up and leave the test. The same way the teacher singled him out for the mockery.
B-man said:
He brought it upon himself? For being a fan of a football team that his teacher doesnt like?

This kid can be a fan of the Broncos without wearing a jersey, in the Pittsburgh area, of the team that they are playing in the most important game of the year to that point. And guess what? No one would have made fun of him, and he might have finished his test! Hooray common sense!

B-man said:
Teachers are supposed to hold a high level of integrity and maturity and as far as im concerned when a teacher leaves his or her house every morning to go to work their personal life needs to stay there. A class room is for educating and learning, not for ridiculing people based on what football team they like or dislike.

I find it sad that both of you dont find this wrong at all and that one of you is making accusations that this kid is trying to "find a way out."

First of all, I never condoned what the teacher did. I'm just saying that the kid partially brought it upon himself, and I hold him to some accountability for not using common sense. If this was the NHL, the teacher would have gotten a four minute double minor for roughing, and the kid would get two for instigating.
B-man said:
Say a student went into class wearing a shirt that said "jesus is Lord" and the teacher was wearing a shirt that said "Hail Satan." Then the teacher forced the student to sit on the floor and had people throw things at him while calling him a "stinking Jesus freak." What would your thoughts be on that? They would be different wouldnt they?

heh, if all I get is crumpled paper thrown at me and told to sit on the floor for Jesus, then I will count myself lucky. Before I get stoned by the fierce barage of paperballs, and spitwads, I'll nobly raise my fist in the air and quote the wise words of Paul "To live is Christ and to die is gain!" as I meet my papery demise.

All joking aside, don't you think if the student said something like "I really need a desk to finish my final Mr. ___" that he would not have been given a desk? There are other people in the world with real legitimate problems. I would like to introduce the kid to a lady in Mexico who is trying to raise 3 kids alone in a 2 room house smaller than my nieghbors garden shed and a dirt floor. Only in America will you find a paper wad martyr...
I remember, when I was growing up, the clarion call of such things was "sticks an stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Ultimately, these were just words.
that is so wrong. sticks and stones can hurt you, but that only hurts for a few days. words can hurt for your whole life.
Jango said:
that is so wrong. sticks and stones can hurt you, but that only hurts for a few days. words can hurt for your whole life.

I think the words "You stink" coming from, say, your father, would hurt for a lot longer than "Your team stinks" coming from a teacher. However, you have a very valid point that I agree with.
I think the words "You stink" coming from, say, your father, would hurt for a lot longer than "Your team stinks" coming from a teacher. However, you have a very valid point that I agree with.
I don't think it was the words se said, but the fact that he was made a spectacle infront of his class. I gather he's one that doesn't like to get a lot of attention like that.
Jango said:
that is so wrong. sticks and stones can hurt you, but that only hurts for a few days. words can hurt for your whole life.

That depends entirely upon how much you view yourself against others. My sense of self-worth is totally independent upon what others say to/about me, for I know that I am a child of God. And a lot of that was learning how to deal with name calling from peers and siblings.

Yes, words can be hateful and harmful things, but ultimately they are just words, what they mean to you, how much 'weight' they have on you, is ultimately up to you.