Dark Virtue
New Member
Before you are born again you are spiritually dead in other words your spirit is dead because of the sin factor.
When one is born of God their spirit now has eternal life. That person is immortal in his spirit through faith in Jesus Christ, His name is recorded in the book of Life. Satan cannot touch that spirit.
Even though the man born of God now has eternal life his mortal body can still be attacked by Satan. Satan can only attack the physical body. the flesh. He does that in order to discourage the faith we have in Christ but God turns his attack around on him and we become stronger in our reliance in God.
We recieve a greater blessing out of it.
But those who seek Him in His word grow strong and no matter what comes to their flesh their eyes are fixed on Jesus and the word of God resides in their hearts and they are not swayed by such circumstances that Satan may bring.
As there is a book of Life [Phil.4:3; Rev.3:5; 20:12,15; 21:27]. I can only assume there is a book of the Dead as well. Rev.20:12 mentions the word books and goes on to say that another book was opened, which is the book of life.
First, you didn't address the point about Satan touching you. Bottom line is you said something, then backtracked and changed what you said. If you were wrong, then say so. If you didn't make your statement correctly the first time, then say so. But don't dance around the issues presented to you.
Second, let's discuss this..."Before you are born again you are spiritually dead in other words your spirit is dead because of the sin factor."
Is there a biblical basis for this or is this your opinion?
What's the point in having a spirit if it's born dead within us?
Why not be granted the spirit when we accept Christ?