This game is lonely...


New Member
I have two characters, a 32 rogue (Leynna) and a 21 priest (Samer), and I'm finding it pretty near never that I can find a group.

I thought when I created the two, that I would have the soloer (Rogue) and the groupie (priest), but even with a priest I just can't get groups unless it is for an instance. Everyone out there is running with DPS for their questing, a priest just isn't asked for.

And for the quests where I need help on the rogue, no luck either. For several days I've tried to find help with the elite end quest in Duskwood (Morbent Fel), and no luck.

It also seems like most of the guild is playing at level 60 (although a large batch of alts just came in in the teens range) running instances, so there's no camaraderie to be had there either.

I'd love to take part in the PvP team discussed elsewhere, but it looks like if I want to do that I'll have to solo my way up to 60 with any characters I create; that's not a statement about the guild, it's a statement about the game.

The highest char I've leveled is a 41 Warlock on a normal server, and it was the same even at that level/server type. I can't see it being much different here on a PvP server or because of my char levels.
CaryF said:
And for the quests where I need help on the rogue, no luck either. For several days I've tried to find help with the elite end quest in Duskwood (Morbent Fel), and no luck.
I'm on the same quest chain, though not quite as far; I'm still on The Doomed Fleet. Send me a tell in-game when you see me on (character name is "Ulfbrikt") and I'll try to help you take out Morbent Fel. I don't know if I'll be much help as a level 28 Hunter, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

I also have a few other quests in Duskwood, so send me a tell when you see me on and we can help each other with quests.
As I kept telling myself as I leveled, the game BEGINS at level 60 :p

A big reason Morbent Fel isn't grouped up for is because most classes at level 30ish can actually solo him or do it with just 1 extra person.

Additionally, the priest is getting a review in 1.10 for better solo grinding; this way you might have a better time at this whole thing ;)
Blah, there is such a large anti-social aspect to the game it isn't funny. People will level faster if they grouped together to do the quests. Quests are done faster so you get more XP per hour from having more quests done. You get the same XP per hour for killing mobs (if there are two in your group, you will kill the mobs twice as fast but get 1/2 the XP. Kill mobs twices as fast x 1/2 the XP mob = the same XP rate per hour as if you solo'd.)

One of the things I did when I was levelling was check to see if there were guildmates my level questing in areas I too could quest in and asked them if I could join them to quest. And really, who doesn't want to have a priest help them???
I'll have to disagree with some of that, Aves; too often PuG people just go "brb" and take 20 minutes to come back. Too often PuG people just leave the party and never come back. Too often PuG people have different quests they wanna do in the same area. Too often PuG people are incompetent and dont know how to play. (Why is the mage pulling 10 mobs at once without warning while expecting me to heal him while the group is already in the middle of doing something else?)

As a result, I essentially solo farmed leather and did pvp to get from level 35-60. Although, The times I had with Timert were awesome, as Papatoad would agree :)

Having a priest is nice, I wont disagree with that; but the first time i ran through VanCleefe the priest in our party didnt understand the concept of "healing at half health, not 1% health" and I had to offtank AND mainheal.

And at the time, there weren't too many in the guild that were my level, so it was PuG's or solo :(
Not talking about grouping with pugs to do quests, I'd group with guildies. With two or three people, you can get through most of the Duskwood quests in an hour. Thats why I would ask guildies who were questing in areas appropriate to my level if I could join them.

I suppose in one sense I was lucky in that my first toon was here when the guild started. So there were more people appropriatly levelled. The exceptions were Melko, who was like 60 before most people were 30.
yah i remember doing that with papa and dawife :)

Aye, but back in the day it was basically us 3 and Timert, Gnimish, and Acuity that were the same level, and we were rarely on all at the same time.

Timert and I made a great team for a lonnnnggg time, ever since I started the 10-day trial version we were already killing gnolls together in Westfall. As time went on we ganked and got ganked by things in STV, but, sadly, he stopped playing his rogue for a bit while I shot to 60.

But definitely, leveling is MUCH faster with a good guildie group :D
There does seem to be a common sentiment among WoW players that "the game starts at 60." If that's the truth, then it's a poorly designed game.

If you asked someone to read a book, would you tell them, "Oh, the first 1,000 pages are atrociously boring, but after that, it's really entertaining"? Probably not, because you probably wouldn't have made it through the first thousand pages yourself.

Probably the most annoying aspect of WoW is the "Oh, sure, it's boring now, but wait until you reach level X" idea. If the game isn't fun at level 1 or 5, why would I bother playing it to level 10, 40, or 60?

Granted, I don't have much room to talk. The first ten levels as a Hunter were amazingly boring, but when I got my pets, the game did kick into action. Still, now that I'm nearing level 30, I'm wondering if there's any fun to be had before I hit level 60. And even some day in the distant future, when I do hit level 60, I don't imagine that my schedule will allow for me to sit down and play a four-hour instance (even if I wish I could; instances, for me, are one of the highlights of the game).

I'm not saying this to blast WoW players. If you like the game and it doesn't interfere with your relationship with Christ, then play it. I just want you to know, CaryF, that you're not alone. I feel the same way you do.

And I don't think it's the fault of the level 60 guild members. I don't think it's the fault of any guild member. I think it's a flaw in the game.

Great MMOs should be like a story: Every chapter along the way, you're eager to discover what happens next. There shouldn't be several hundred pages that you just want to "get through" so you can get to the ending. If there was a book structured in such a way, it would be called "bad writing." If a game is structured that way, no one seems to place the fault with the game's developer. Players are paying $15 a month to play this game, but it's their fault if they don't "stick it out" to the higher levels? It's a game, not a career. You shouldn't have to go through a ten-level "hazing" and earn your way to fun. It doesn't make sense.

Now I still think WoW is a good game. It makes a number of improvements on Dark Age of Camelot, just as DAoC was a big step forward from Everquest. (Still, DAoC owns WoW when it comes to PvP. Capture the Flag or Realm versus Realm? Obvious choice.) Still, it's just the next generation, no matter how popular it may be. Evolution, not revolution.

I know that WoW has over 5 million subscribers. I know it's wildly popular. But Blizzard isn't composed of infallible beings. They make mistakes. Their games are not perfect.

I know I'm probably going to get flamed for this post. If you disagree and want to post a reply, then please do. I just ask that you do so politely.
The hardest part about wow is getting to 60 and then still having your toon spiced up so you can continue playing it. Although sometimes it does get boring when grinding solo. Somethings that I do when I get bored grinding:
- sign up for wsg
- look at stuff at the auction hall
- pick up flight paths in new zones
- take a break from the game
- talk to people in /g
- form a party and talk to other people
- get to know some of the guidlees
- roleplay in IF general

Like Azzie, I myself prefer to do quest/grinds solo, I don't have to wait 20 mins for people to come and then go afk. Don't spend time in instances that much, 3 hours in an instance will yeild you about 1/3 to 1/4 of the xp you can get by grinding on mobs in the same time
I enjoyed my two trips from 1 to 60. Kind of wondering if I should do it again, and if I decide to, what class this time??? With Bannard, I had a tonne of fun 1 to 60. I enjoyed doing instances, the first times to new lands. I remember my first flight from Theramore to Auberdine, and the text that showed what land I was in turned red HORDE TERRITORY. That was all a blast.

At level 60, its a different game. You don't grind XP and levels, you grind Faction and instances.
what I do miss about being under 60 is the underdog feel; when you see a level 60, and you're 40 it's like, "Oh crap!!!" But at the same time it's like, "Heeeyyy, it would be soooo sweet if I could take him down somehow..."

And a group of mid levels would get together to defeat the "menace" level 60.

Well, I also miss the times I was insanely overpowered for my level when I got seal of command and Verigan's fist...the only time a paladin can 1-shot enemies of equal level at a consistent rate in the game. Great times.

It's the feeling of "being super for your level" feel that I miss, basically. When I was level 27 I was decked out in full blues, I would take on 2-4 horde of the same level and utterly pwn them.....great times, great times.

At 60 it's pretty different...
Roll a warlock... I think this has to be the next fastest class to lvl beside hunters and mages, almost next to no down time with talents in affliction.