There's a METHOD to geekiness?



Wow... I didn't know you had to go so far just to make yourself look stupid.

I don't think there's anything worse than spending a weekend at a campground filled with sweaty teenagers in tights. (those of you who know me will know that I catagorize "cons" as second place, albeit a close second place)

Sorry if this raises any dander or hostility ("Hey buddy, I like LARPing and you made me feel very awkward and uncomfortable!" "That guy doesn't know what he's talking about. It's fun!" "Praytell, why shouldn't I casteth Fireball on thee and smite thee on yonder ground as ye stand?" "Hey I don't appreciate that!! I spent 5,000 gold on a staff that raises my Charisma by 3...")

The dude they interviewed has this to say:
"A variety of people, both male and female, like to LARP. "Most of them are very imaginative people," says Zolkosky. "Most of them have a taste for genre fiction, most are highly intelligent…and are in some sense usually a little bit different socially."
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costume stuff u still act as urself, LARP is more anytime type of thing
leave me and my geeky-ness alone >.> lol jk
Wow... I didn't know you had to go so far just to make yourself look stupid.
It's all a matter of perspective and societal norms.

If you told someone that millions of people canceled religious worship services to watch a televised broadcast of a group of men transporting or preventing the transporting of a ball in the shape of an imperfect oval from one end of a field (of artificial grass, no less) to another, one might say that sounds "stupid."

And yet we do it once a year, every year, and we never think twice about it.

The moral of the story: There are other perspectives besides your own. In a world occupied by six billion other people, it is wise to consider them.

EDIT: For the record, I'm not saying watching the Super Bowl is stupid. I just mean to say that the only reason watching the Super Bowl is considered "normal" and LARP is considered "weird" is the percentage of the population participating. "Normal" is relative.

I myself neither watch the Super Bowl nor LARP, but I try to respect people who do either (or both).

EDIT2: I finished reading the entire article and I enjoyed it. I think it's a fair article without any of the, "ZOMGLOLBBQ i cast magic missil roflcopter" nonsense you usually find accompanying such online articles.
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How is LARPing different than, say, Live-action Medieval games? I know many non-nerds that play a lot of those.

I don't think it's geeky to know how to wave a claymore about.... :)
Just remember: LARPing is at least better for you than SOYBIFOCRPing (Sitting on your butt in front of computer role playing, often done with the aid of "Neverwinter Nights" or "Baldur's Gate") because it MAY involve physical activity.

That being said, it can also be dangerous... a whole group of nerds with metal weapons arguing about the rules???
well....Civil War reenactments are just another form of LARPing....except with the randomness removed (after all, no matter how many times they redo Gettysburg, the outcome is always the same).
i thought family guys version was pretty good
Yeah TJG I have ESP :D

The moral of the story: There are other perspectives besides your own. In a world occupied by six billion other people, it is wise to consider them.

Tek's wisdom is boosted by the dwarven warhammer +2 charisma +5 wisdom +4 strength.
Tek's statement gains him a level! he is now level 67.
Tek learns the spell "ZOMGLOLBBQ magic missil"
TJ. No G :) they're my first 2 initials.

oh yeah?? well... well...

Yeah, those days are over for me. I used to play "star wars" with my neighbor. Man, I was really good with a lightsaber -- err, i mean baseball bat.
Yeah, those days are over for me. I used to play "star wars" with my neighbor. Man, I was really good with a lightsaber -- err, i mean baseball bat.

me too--I had one of those plastic lightsabers with a collapsible blade

(when I was like 6 years old, mind you)