
has anyone heard of a game called "There"? I have been playing it a few months. Basically its kinda like the Sims online but..not. you dont have to do all that stuff like eating, working etc. and its mainly based around chatting. You can buy what are called "portazones" which are different sized portable zones for you to lay out in the world where you can build whatever you want really whether its a house, or just a yard with stuff laying around, or something really bizzare.but anyways, I have a friend on there who has a few churches. so I built a coulpe as well. some places I call the "Metal Sanctuary". its a church with a radio inside that is tuned to chmradio.com. (a Christian station that plays a range from Death metal to hardcore punk and some mainstream) But this game is really a good ministry tool. you get a 14 day free trial then you account terminates unless you pay the 4.95/mo. cool thing is you can design your own clothes, vehilcles, furniture, etc. with either their painter program, or with 3d modeling. I cant do 3d, but I have been making some cars.
Yep...I was a part of the Beta, which was a couple years ago. I previewed the game too...which I can't find the link for
I know alot of people say Second Life is better. but I actually like this one. and its there.com haha took me forever to locate that in google as youd imagine.