The warrior priest

At 30, I've all but given up on being a DPS class and been focusing more on healing. Altho it is very hard to resist the urge to chase down a red name and beat them down to get more Righteous Fury points built back up.

I'll log in Wednesday and post my spec, renoun spec, and stats.

For now, the basics is that I have a decent blend of Willpower and Wounds, with Strength and Initiative as the extras on my gear.

Basically, it's about survivability and cranking out bigger heals with less RF cost. Since I spent so long regenerating RF via my ability (name escapes me) than I do attacking, strength really becomes a waste. Initiative is always good... lets you see the weak witch elves, as well as gives you a higher avoidance.
Strength seems like a waste; you abilities return RF at a fixed rate, not dependant on amount of dmg done. Unfortunately, IMO.
RF may come back at a fixed rate, but the heals which are a percentage of the damage done are directly tied into the strength you have.

Strength is not useless, but it is hard to have enough strength to be a viable healer on DPS alone.

That is something I want Odale to do.

But it would be absurdly difficult, and would probably require him being higher than level 21.
RF may come back at a fixed rate, but the heals which are a percentage of the damage done are directly tied into the strength you have.

I sit corrected. I forgot some abilities return health on % of dmg. My WP ain't that high yet.
Since I spent so long regenerating RF via my ability (name escapes me)

Supplication, channels ap into rf. I've read alot of posts where wp's will basically just healbot using that spell.

and if you want to still dps don't give up I once saw a video of a wp spec'd wrath and wowzer he was mowing people down! :)
Yeh, supplication... it's a bear to try to heal with that. 2 HoTs, a group shield, small group heal... and they all burn thru 250 RF in no time :(
altho I can just about keep up with the AM and RPs, even using 100% suppliction. I think the heals are a little stronger to make up for the RF mechanism.
Ok, here's my setup for Level 30.

All of my Career points are in Path of Salvation, with abilities Divine Light and Pious Restoration.

My Renoun training:
Tier 1: Resolve (3 points, 30 willpower)
Chaos Fear Me
Tier 2: Vigor (1 point, wounds)
Disciple (1 point, willpower and initiative)
For Glory! (5% renoun in scenarios)

My granted abilities:
Discipline - 120 willpower
Emperor's Ward - free shield
Shield of Faith - disrupt opponents
Chaos Fear Me - debuff nearby opponents after killing one of them
For Glory! - 5% renoun increase from scenarios

As you can tell, I'm most set up as a healer, but I have a few points just tossed around when I can't figure out what else to get :)

With Ilya, I figured out I like to heal with Odale...

Recently the patch added a new item to all of the books WP's carry..

Ilya told me that green quality books return Righteous Fury 6 points per second, blue books = 9 per second and purple books are 12 per second.

This means I can more or less spam heals and NOT have to wait on supplications timer to finish before I can heal again.



And later my main target, a level 20 KotBS was holding the bauble in Mourkain Temple and only died after the bauble was hitting him for 1700 a tick.
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Warriro Priests can be healing machines (if specced and geared for healing)!!!

Glad I could get you liking your Warriror Priest a smidge more mr. guild leader.
I've been reading and hearing a lot about the Grace spec as well. Unfortunately, I'm L32, so I get mowed down in scenarios, but I'd like to try to do some PQs or other PvE with a group and see how I hold up.

Supposedly, the Grace does a ton of buffing/debuffing, as well as improving nearly everything that says "does (something) to your offensive target and (something) to your defensive target". Tath was telling us the other night that he was posting some vicious DPS (65k range?) and healing (50k) in one scenario by getting up front and whacking on people.

One of the grace class abilities even makes it so anytime a groupmate ticks a heal from your righteousness buff, you get healed as well.... I'm thinking that's a huge mechanic for staying alive while playing in the front lines (as long as your group stays up)
hey, the skill you are refering to is Leading the prayer, every time someone is healed from your prayer aura it heals you, but right now it's bugged, and only healing you for half of what it should.

the most amazing thing about grace is it improves the damage of divine strike, and divine assault and the prayer that procs heals on hits.

For me at lvl 19 my divine strike hits normal (with a 36 dps hammer) for around 140, and crits for around 200+ so when I'm on the front line everyone within 10 ft of me is being healed for 140+ every 1.5 seconds. now when you consider the rp's or am's are also throwing down hot's, you're contributing alot to keeping your teamates up.

Divine assault is flat out amazing, right now when I hit that, I can heal someone for over 2000+ hitpoints in a matter of 3 seconds, in a sc just the other day a we had an engineer down to about 10% health, I targetd the eng, hit da on the we, and brought the eng back to full health and killed the we, I no longer fear we's, only time they can beat me is if there are multiples and they get the jump, i've taken on 2 at a time and come out on top.

honestly the changes they've made to the wp have made it a blast to play.

sorry for the long rant, I get excited and trying to get everything out of my head and onto the screen I tend to ramble on and mispell badly :)
At least they came out and said that the WP is a support class. It's not a MDPS class or a straight healer. It's a hybrid like the original paladin in WoW.

The thing I find funny is that Sooooo many Ret Paladins in WoW were hoping that the Warrior Priest would be the MDPS class they always wanted the Paladin to be. The ironic thing is that the WoW Paladin now IS a DPS class and the Warrior Priest isn't.