The vision for the Christian Gamers Alliance in 2015 and beyond

Thank you all very much for your replies. I know your time is precious. I've posted often about how I feel spread thin during this season of life, but I understand that many are in similar seasons and it means all the more to me that you would take time out to read what I've posted and post replies.

We have financial matters covered now that our monthly donors are covering our costs for the year. There's a strong possibility we'll move the forums from vBulletin 4 to XenForo in the near future; I understand this isn't a pressing short-term concern, but we'll need a forums package that we can use for the long haul and it's clear that vB4 ain't it (nor is vB5).

Some of you have asked me to clarify "bite size" duties and I admit I've only had a few ideas thus far. The one idea I keep coming back to is weekly threads, where a forum member takes the lead and posts a recurring thread on related topics once a week on a set day. Think of it as a counterpart for the Verse of the Day, but geared more toward discussion than reading and absorbing.

As an example, I would like to start a thread on Mondays where I ask all of you what you learned in your local church on Sunday. Community members could share summaries of the sermons they heard (or, in the case of pastors, preached), providing links to podcasts or recordings if such resources are available and if people feel so inclined.

Maybe we could have another weekly thread where we check in once a week to share what games we've been playing in the last week. I've been so fixated on the forums that I sometimes forget that the forums are not the only (and often not even the primary) way we connect, so it would help to get people connected to each other in-game and on our TeamSpeak server to share what games we're playing.

Another idea is a thread for Thursdays where we share either what we learned in church on Wednesday night (for those who attend two services a week) or insight we've gained from sermon podcasts or radio shows or in our own time reading Scripture.

I'd also like to see more threads pertaining to PC gaming news so we can discuss new games, trends in gaming, industry news, and so on. Maybe we could even have someone post a "week in review" with links to top gaming stories for the week and we can just discuss whatever interests us.

I think all of these are manageable (with perhaps the "week in review" demanding the most time and effort) for almost any of us. And even if someone isn't available to "own" a weekly thread, we could all contribute to topics that interest us.

Shifting gears, Atown mentioned that the average age of the CGA community member has been on the rise for years now and we don't seem to be attracting younger members. I've noticed this trend and given it considerable thought, but I confess I'm at a loss as to how to rectify it. I'm not interested in drawing a young crowd just to bolster our number or ensure the longevity of our community, though those are both positive goals. I'm mostly interested in bringing in younger people because we have such a wealth of experience and knowledge in this community and I really want to see us start pouring into the lives of the youngin's. :)

On a related note, I started ToJ when I was 19, not yet married, had no kids, and hadn't started attending college yet. I was attending a church with strong tendencies toward Prosperity Gospel and working through some difficult questions in my own faith. I had no idea what I was doing, but I had all the time in the world to do it. I hardly delegated anything, but I got stuff done. Now I have more life experience, but I also have less time to, well, get stuff done.

Any community like ours benefits from a wide range of ages among our members: Young people with the energy, drive, and free time to pitch in and get work done. Older people with wisdom and experience to share with younger people, support them, and, when necessary, nudge them in the right direction while they're figuring things out. I'd love to see high school kids, college kids, young single adults, married couples, parents, grandparents, and more join this community and make it vibrant again. But it's going to have to be God who makes it happen. We need to be ready to do our part because God, though we may not understand why, chooses to work through people. But we need to always turn and return our attention to Him to ensure we don't start working in our own efforts. It's one of the great questions of our faith: How does God accomplish His work through His servants? It's a question worth asking each and every day.

I need to start winding down for the night because I've stayed up late the last several nights and it's beginning to wear on my body, but I'm glad I took the time to share these thoughts with you all tonight. I'd love to hear your thoughts and I'd also love for people to volunteer to take on a weekly thread or suggest new ideas for threads or other ways to help this community grow and work out our faith together. :)
As an example, I would like to start a thread on Mondays where I ask all of you what you learned in your local church on Sunday. Community members could share summaries of the sermons they heard (or, in the case of pastors, preached), providing links to podcasts or recordings if such resources are available and if people feel so inclined.

Maybe we could have another weekly thread where we check in once a week to share what games we've been playing in the last week. I've been so fixated on the forums that I sometimes forget that the forums are not the only (and often not even the primary) way we connect, so it would help to get people connected to each other in-game and on our TeamSpeak server to share what games we're playing.

Another idea is a thread for Thursdays where we share either what we learned in church on Wednesday night (for those who attend two services a week) or insight we've gained from sermon podcasts or radio shows or in our own time reading Scripture.

I'd also like to see more threads pertaining to PC gaming news so we can discuss new games, trends in gaming, industry news, and so on. Maybe we could even have someone post a "week in review" with links to top gaming stories for the week and we can just discuss whatever interests us.

I think all of these are manageable (with perhaps the "week in review" demanding the most time and effort) for almost any of us. And even if someone isn't available to "own" a weekly thread, we could all contribute to topics that interest us.

Is there a way with Xenforo to make it a more bloggy format for these types of things that create forum topics intertwined with comments? I could see it being easier to run blog format for some of these things and get traffic that way
call me maybe?
No. It's too crazy. >.>

Whether XenForo does it or plugging into WordPress would be better, I actually think you're spot on with that.

Like Tek pointed out, and I think some of us are (at least, I am) starting to see, CGA goes well beyond forums. Why we're not utilizing a blog system too makes me go... "uh... yes please."

Somebody go talk to Neirai about revisiting the Bombadillo concept in direct connection to CGA?
Yes, we can do it.

But like nearly everything in this world that is feasible and desired, it will cost more money.

Per the XenForo purchase page:

XenForo Resource Manager - $60 (extension $15)
The Resource Manager is an official XenForo add-on that allows you to manage resources such as files and tutorials or other article-like content along side your normal forum. The aim is allow content such as files to be listed with a focus on the initial content rather than discussion surrounding it. Users can watch resources and be updated whenever a new version is released.

Resources can be sold (as a link to external purchase handling), downloaded directly from the resource manager, downloaded from an external URL, or provided without a file. The administrator can control the type of resources allowed and who can post them on a per category basis. Discussion threads can automatically be created for each resource, allowing the target forum and a thread prefix to be specified per resource category.

It is completely integrated into XenForo, including support for moderator permissions, logging, manual approval and soft-deletion, liking, news feed entries and alerts, reporting, search, spam cleaning, and statistics.

You must have be running XenForo 1.2.0 or newer to use this add-on.

Access to Resource Manager updates and support is included as long as your XenForo license is current for support and updates. When extending your XenForo license, the cost of add-on extensions will be automatically added to the base cost.

I don't know if this exactly matches what you're looking for, though, Atown.
Yes, we can do it.

Discussion threads can automatically be created for each resource, allowing the target forum and a thread prefix to be specified per resource category..

That part to me is actually pretty boss.

The other side of it is, have we considered BBpress

Examples: (legacy)

free alternative, might work as well.

I know its an extra $60 but that might not be too bad if we are really going to go that route either
I think some of the free options out there are good, but they all, so far, have been, well, bare bones.

XenForo has some features that I feel would help people connect to each other, especially the alerts and even something as simple as being able to "like" other people's posts (and your own, probably, if you're that vain :p).

I've spent a fair amount of time (okay, fine, too much time) on the Puzzle & Dragon Forums learning the quirks and niceties of XenForo and I've grown very fond of it. BBPress is cool, but...XF just looks and feels more robust (ugh, "robust," now I sound like an advertisement).

I would love for community members to chip in to buy XF modules (or add-ons or plug-ins or whatever XF calls them) that you all want. I just put a down payment on a new car and I'm going to have a car payment for the first time in my life so financial prudence demands I don't do more than buy the XF license using my own money as previously promised, but additional modules would need to be funded by others.
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Does the PADZ forum have some of this XF content module stuff going? I'd love to see it. :)

I'll contribute toward the purchase of the module. I could see lots of use for it, even VotD. (Modules are one-off expenses, no?)
Oh goodness, no. Paypal eats enough of our donations in fees; I don't want to have to pay another chunk to KS. I also don't want one more thing to manage right now. :/

Does the PADZ forum have some of this XF content module stuff going? I'd love to see it. :)
Not that I can tell, though I could see how they could put it to good use (e.g. new player guides, team building guides, list of differences between JP/NA/EU versions, etc.).

I'll contribute toward the purchase of the module. I could see lots of use for it, even VotD. (Modules are one-off expenses, no?)
Modules are one-off expenses, yes, but they also increase the yearly support cost (and I would definitely want a support contract since we're all unpaid volunteers). Fortunately, adding modules does not increase the yearly support fee by much.

And thank you in advance for your contribution! :)
For some initial purchases, and even 1 year of funding, I don't think kickstarter to also advertise that we exist, or gofundme, is a bad way to go. Even if there are fees, just adjust and increase the amount of funding needed to match what we truly need.

I'd be more than happy to manage that part of it. Money is a bit tight for me at the time too.

I also wonder Tek, and I know you are going to be slightly repulsed, but what if we did allow some sponsored banners? Its a lot easier for me to spend $200 in advertising to have a banner here and write it off as a business expense than to just donate $200 to an non-NPO ya know? if we only allowed christian businesses and ensured the banners didt tarnish our reputation and credibility (e.g. no "ultimate guide to getting rich as a christian"), I think there are other business owners who wouldt mind that path.
For some initial purchases, and even 1 year of funding, I don't think kickstarter to also advertise that we exist, or gofundme, is a bad way to go. Even if there are fees, just adjust and increase the amount of funding needed to match what we truly need.
The additional expenses for add-ons don't add up to much. Monthly donors now cover 100% of our expenses and I'm ready to purchase the XenForo license out of my own pocket. The fundraising goal would be so meager that I don't think it justifies the effort to set up a Kickstarter.

But maybe I'm just an old curmudgeon who doesn't want to learn something new. :)

If there comes a time when Kickstarter is the right tool for the right job, then trust me, I'll be contacting you. :D

I also wonder Tek, and I know you are going to be slightly repulsed, but what if we did allow some sponsored banners? Its a lot easier for me to spend $200 in advertising to have a banner here and write it off as a business expense than to just donate $200 to an non-NPO ya know? if we only allowed christian businesses and ensured the banners didt tarnish our reputation and credibility (e.g. no "ultimate guide to getting rich as a christian"), I think there are other business owners who wouldt mind that path.
No ads. Sorry.

I loathe advertisements and I make every effort to avoid them whenever and wherever possible. I use Adblock Plus. I don't have cable or satellite TV; I have Netflix. I don't listen to the radio; I have a paid subscription to Pandora.

I understand I'm far outnumbered and most people don't share my sentiments regarding advertisements, but I wouldn't feel right tacking ad banners on to the CGA Forums while I'm using Adblock Plus and doing all I can to avoid ads.
If there comes a time when Kickstarter is the right tool for the right job, then trust me, I'll be contacting you. :D

No ads. Sorry.

I loathe advertisements and I make every effort to avoid them whenever and wherever possible. I use Adblock Plus. I don't have cable or satellite TV; I have Netflix. I don't listen to the radio; I have a paid subscription to Pandora.

I understand I'm far outnumbered and most people don't share my sentiments regarding advertisements, but I wouldn't feel right tacking ad banners on to the CGA Forums while I'm using Adblock Plus and doing all I can to avoid ads.
+1 to advert contempt. So maddening that Hulu Plus still has ads (worse that half of the ads these days are for Hulu Plus... when you're watching shows on Hulu Plus... I don't even), but that's not really important here. lol

I agree, for what it's worth, that ads shouldn't be strewn about the website, even if they're all pre-approved for Christian companies. I do wonder, however, if it's possible to find a compromise position of a sponsors page where people could get their branding on it (all pre-approved, probably limited to Christian-run organizations) in such a way as to count as a business expense for tax purposes but also function as a donation while letting people who are interested find out in a non-invasive way who is helping back the organization.

Also, I think we need to push the merits of the Amazon Store again as something to habitually useand, especially if we run "articles" of sorts in an upcoming content system, have links ready to go for games and other items posted about. This will help with revenue generation in a non-invasive, voluntary, no-added-cost-to-users way.

It'd probably take two minutes to create a link formatting page so that people can just copy their Amazon item URLs from regular browsing and get a CGA store referral link to use for adding to cart. It'll just take remembering to do so (I apologize that I'm still irregular in my memory).
I absolutely agree on a lot of these points

and yes the Amazon store should be a highlight. maybe with the xenforo module, we can have that as a larger portion.

I think moving forward, although its great we finally have enough monthly money to maintan where we are at... if we are wanting to grow, our expenses are going to grow with us. So in that sense, we do need to look at alternative revenue streams.

I like the idea of a sponsor page, and honestly, maybe even sponsored game servers?


I was thinking more and I do feel we need a vision for our hearts, and a mission for the hearts of others. Its one thing to ensure we have our community, but our community does need to benefit others.
With that in mind, I do wonder if there are other ways we can use the article portion of xenforo to move out in that.

That being said, I'll jump for the purchase of that module, but we need a clear mission and an idea of what we define growth as.

I'm not saying I have the best idea for it or that Tek needs to come up with that one :P
I'm just thinking out loud at this point.
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That being said, it does bother me that we have links for

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And in our posts we have to explicitly state but can't share a +1 or tweet, or share on facebook, tumble, xanga :P

Is there a social media module?
That being said, it does bother me that we have links for

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And in our posts we have to explicitly state but can't share a +1 or tweet, or share on facebook, tumble, xanga :P

Is there a social media module?
...There's a Like link for each post.

I never even thought to look for an option to share to Facebook, but I tend to ignore Facebook for several days in a row, load it up long enough to start wondering, "What am I doing with my life?" then close the browser and go do something productive.

But hey, that's just an old man talking. :) I'm sure you kids with your Facespace and MyBook know what you're doing.

EDIT: Here's a link to my most-Liked post on PAD Forums:
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...There's a Like link for each post.

I never even thought to look for an option to share to Facebook, but I tend to ignore Facebook for several days in a row, load it up long enough to start wondering, "What am I doing with my life?" then close the browser and go do something productive.

But hey, that's just an old man talking. :) I'm sure you kids with your Facespace and MyBook know what you're doing.

EDIT: Here's a link to my most-Liked post on PAD Forums:

so actually, at the bottom of the page:

Share This Page
"TWEET" or Recommend and share on Facebook


So when are we buying this again with a new mission statement and strategic issues management plan?
so actually, at the bottom of the page:

Share This Page
"TWEET" or Recommend and share on Facebook

Oh, hey, you're right. I use Chrome + Adblock Plus on nearly every computer I use daily, so I didn't see it. I had to load IE and view it that way to find the social media links.

So when are we buying this again with a new mission statement and strategic issues management plan?
I'm ready to pay for the license at any time, but I need to contact Lloren and ask him if he's willing to install and configure it and, if so, when he'd be able to do so.