the ToJ server

ToJ | FoGGy oX

New Member
No one ever plays there anymore. Every now and then I see a few connect. I know its also me. :\ I was just gettin in with the homeschool stuff (never tried homeschool before) but now that I am gettin the hang of it i'll try to be on the server more often. I hope to see more people there also. I remember the good old days when I couldnt even join the server because there were so many people there. Well I hope to see you all there also. Later
maybe we should add the uber podbot so that it can wall hack and headshot script us all day long....
the Admins for the server had a meeting couple nights ago to address the issue. Suggestions and ideas were brought up. After Elite's final decision, the results will be made public.
so I sent my 100 BUCKES for the server for NUTHING!?!??!?!?! darn

if u boys want play then I want pay....
soo I sent the $$$$ for Elite for the server and now KNOWONE will play thats just plan sade even hurtting my feeellings too

You guys wanna make a date and time and well just have a lot of people show up and play for fun? Cause waiting for someone to go to the server isnt working. I left cs on for like an hour at the server and no one showed :/
I cant play on the server right now if they upgrade it up to 1.6 they maybe i would... in a few weeks the server wont evan work without upgrading...
Froggy oX
I agree on that.

Yo elite u haveto come to it. make a date so u can come too.
 and make a date ware we all can come on irc make an anoucement about it on irc thanks.
If u are not busy that is. hehe
Froggy oX u come too

Mr.Sun u haveto come hehe
Gab, and ToJ | GunSlinger will come too.
and hopfuolly DG can come too.
I HOPE u will come DG.

LionOfJudah u will came I hope.

P.s. it cant be in the afternoon becuse im at school intill 4:15 Dallas time. but I can do it around 4:26 or sumthing is when I get in the door I think.
That'd be sweet! If we do I'll try to make it, I dont have much goin on these days. Even tho I dont play much cs, I'll try to come. I'm always up for a good ol night playing with the ToJ-ers. I still have to get 1.6 ^_^
Well I dont know if anyone is gonna have a date and stuff but ill try to make it on the server every friday at around 10:00ish east time. If any of you all wanna play a lil cs with me ill be on then. I dont have 1.6 working on my computer yet it keeps freezing when i try installing it :\ But if the server upgrades or whatnot to 1.6 ill try to play there still.. Well im off Later guys hope to see you all there.
Yea I think we should have like a weekly gathering night...not exactly a fun night, just a night everyone tries to show up
