The Shroud of Turin makes a comeback


Whatever, buddy. Dating puts it right into the time frame in which it was discovered. Carbon dating is not as "fallible" as you would have others believe.

I swear, it's like you guys think scientists are engaged in a trans-generation, worldwide anti-Christian conspiracy. Ridiculous.
Well as far as the dating goes  that is a bit debated. Not so much  that it is inaccurate but rather because the part of the cloth they used for the dating was one of the most used/touched parts. That may or may not have thrown off the dating.
There are two distinct sides to this issue, and it appears that there is not sufficient evidence for either side to conclude that it is either real or fake.

On one side, you have the fact of the carbon dating. Despite the fact that carbon dating is not infallible, a date is given. Another fact is that an artist has replicated such a thing nearly exactly using a charcoal method, even being able to produce microscopic depth to the picture. Another fact is that in John's gospel, he records there being a separate cloth for Christ's head and for His body, if you believe that John is reliable.

On the other side, you have the fact that the monastary fire the shroud was involved in could very easily have affected its carbon content, throwing off the dating. Also, the pollen found on the shroud is traceable back to a plant only found in the Holy Land area near where Jesus was buried. It would be an extreme situation for a fanatic to plan out such a thing to that extent if it were a forgery.

So in the end, i'm forced to sit on the fence. Though for some the shroud being proven to be real would probably help their belief, but I don't find such a thing necessary.
I myself dont trust carbon dating more then 5-6 thousand years back (I forget the exact number, but is somewhere around there, give or take a thousand years or two), cince after then, its signature curve is kind of off the charts, and cannot be proved for certain.  Best to take older dates with a grain of salt unless you like placing trust in probable error, but thats just me.  What you all think/care/believe about it is up to you, and frankly I could care less if anyone agrees/disagrees with me on it, lol.
Then it's a lucky thing the Shroud of Turin is at most 2000 years old and, more likely, less, eh Dr. Tek?
Well, the jury is rather out, but I'd feel happier with open testing rather than the Vatican unleashing their pet scientist on it, and letting nobody else near.

I put no credence in these so-called relics, so I could really care less if it was 2 days old, 2000 years, 10k years, or whtever. I for one dont buy into any of the Catholic crap on relics, nor their sometimes twisted and heretical beliefs.
i saw a documentary once on Da vinci and it linked the shroud to him. Like the media story said, with his early works with photography. The likeness to davinci and the shroud are very close.

I think it's time to sell all the bones of St christopher, and rely on faith. I hope they never find the holy grail..... hee hee. the lines to worship another object wouldn't be worth the wait. Faith misplaced
