The server is full


New Member
This has me concernced. If its that full on head start it could be worse on full release. Hopefully not.


Waiting... The server is full

Position in Queue: 401/401

Estimated Wait Time: About 27 min...

Thank you for your patience.


This is at midnight EST too.
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It was really bad for a while. I was stuck in a 1500 queue. I heard that there was a lot of complaining in the fourms and NCSoft adjusted something to fix that. Also the zerg guild Ruin switched to a different server, so that's a mass of players off here.

Things seem pretty good now. Haven't noticed any problems.
zikel i think.

UGH, our net went down for a bit. tried to get back on and /SIGH a 98 queue. can u believe that? ;D

hehe, not near as bad as yesterday