Discord is great for some things, but, so was Teamspeak, Mumble, and, IRC all at one point, and they all got replaced. How long before Discord does? Every time they died the forums provided freedom and a stable base. They keep us alive and consistent.
I'm also not going to use Discord for any serious conversations. Sure I'll voice chat, because you can't exactly do that on the forums, but if I am going to have a serious discussion I don't want my 10 hours of work, per post, to go into the internet nether, and I don't want it subject to non-Christian oversight (try doing
this on Discord). Even this discussion would be a pain on Discord. I couldn't go right to it, you have to scroll and try and filter out what is on topic, guess which channel the chat is in, and, if you leave for a couple days have fun finding, or, continuing a topic. You can't tell when a conversation is over because people may, or may not, go AFK at any given point. You also don't have time to think out your response because other people will post off topic things between you. Here I can just look at the thread title know exactly where to go, exactly what I am getting, are not left to wonder if a conversation is over, and, can post at my own pace. Without separated threads you get a cacophony of "wha?" on Discord. You can't even do proper spam threads on Discord because you can't keep them separate and continuous. I agree it's a great
voice chat program, possibly the best ever, but, for all the reasons I listed above it cannot replace the forums.
There is a countless line of things that get popular because they are new and people are shallow. That's why they pointlessly redesign UI's every few years whether it's better or not (cough, cough, Netflix, cough, Windows). Discord has some legitimate good points, but, it has bad points too. Don't let the "newness" blind you. No one should do things because "the world" says it's better, do it because it is.
On Reddit. Like HCS I am also quite wary of giving ourselves over to any platform that we don't control. I've never posted on Reddit, but, I've looked at things there because Google threw me there, but, posting never. It seems very disorganized compared to forums. More to the point shackling ourselves to any non-Christian organization is bad juju. One with ads and NSFW groups seems like an even worse idea. Reddit has banned subreddits before and while we may agree with most of those bans today it's only a matter of time before we don't. More coughing, cough, LBGTQZATTACKHELICOPTER#$*, is
coming for you.
I've seen the way this goes. Something gets popular, you trade what you had before for ease, then it gets bad, and you don't have a home to go back to. Being popular isn't worth your freedom. This is how uber companies that no one likes get made.
Again without the proper type of games to bring us together CGA just isn't going to be as popular as before. That's the reality as a forum but as a group as well. Yes Discord is more active than the forums, but, be honest, it took the memes and meaninglessness out of the forums not the seriousness. I haven't seen a single serious, or continuous, discussion on it beyond the mod section. It's like every section is a spam thread that just ebs and flows pointlessly. Even the mod chats are terse compared to the forums.
Note I haven't been that Discord active, but, I do like it for voice, and, hate it for text beyond "Hi, getting the group together", and, look at this funny thing that randomly crossed my mind. I've even missed most of the prayer requests until after the fact... might want to add a channel for that now that I think of it...
I get it. It's no use spending money on a dead duck, but, the forums are the only permanent (well more than Discord) thing we have as a community. It's not just nostalgia. If you want a community to last you need that permanence, that anchor, and freedom. I'm fine with moving to anything forum equivalent,
BUT, BIG BUTTS FOR TEK SO HE REMEMBERS, it's got to be equivalent or better. No compromises on usability or our sovereignty. I don't see Reddit doing that and I doubt Word Press does either (though I have little experience there).
Also forum Discord plugin. I'm still not in a rush for it, and, don't expect a miracle, but, if the cause of all this effort is forum traffic concerns it's there. It's also something that needs to be considered for compatibility in whatever you move to before hand.