the reformation

(couldn't resist checking a thread on my favorite topic)

Looks very interesting but be careful. Some simple googling found that the Author is part of the Seventh Day Adventist movement. In one of his books he says that Protestants who observe Sunday as the day of worship are honoring the mark of the Beast.

SDA has been labeled as a cult by many main stream Christian groups. I don't think this is a mere accident.

Unfortunately, I would be pretty cautious of this author as a good source of reformation material. As always, use discernment as you watch ;)
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oh i know verry well what is said about SDA...
its funny; because acording to Janet Reno anyone who is religious is a cult..
god says check and recheck things that are said to make shure its truth..i do; and i have.
SDA was, in fact, a cult - until they changed, considerably, some of their beliefs about Ellen White and non-biblical writing. In the 70's a group of prominent evangelicals, including Walter Martin, did a thorough and critical review of their doctrines and practices. Their conclusion was to remove the SDA from the list of cults. Faith in Christ for salvation - reliance on the Scriptures rather than a charismatic leader or extra-biblical writings - avoiding legalism - and all the rest brought them within the framework of mainline Christianity.

Now, there are some within SDA who still hold to no Sabbath - mark of the beast, eat bacon - go to hell, still leaning on Ellen White, type SDAs - but probably no more than there are misguided Baptists, Assemblies, or any other protestant group.

I do think Ewok is right about being careful who the author of writings and videos you intend to learn from. Just because it is in the media doesn't make it trust worthy.
eat bacon

Yup.. I'm out.. <3 bacon.

Aside from my love of bacon, I'm afraid I can't add much to this discussion. However I just want to add an official disclaimer: remember that Truth is very difficult to ascertain.

"You will listen and listen, but you will not understand. You will look and look, but you will not learn." Matthew 13: 14

Its a tricky discussion and I don't want to see rifts open up between members. Remember to be polite and courteous to the beliefs and doubts of others.
since my daughters birth; ive been looking into difrent churches. i thought i wanted to get her babtized. but then somone told me to look at the scripture.. and shure enugh, infant babtism wasnt there.. so i preyed to god to ask him what to do. not more then 3 days later; while doing my reserch on the new world order and stuff. i came across a series called Total Onslaught.
watched a few of them and was shocked.. so i decided to test it with scripture. and i found no fault. i found out later in his series what he was.
so i did reserch on it.. the only thing the SDA church has agaist it was the question of ellen white; true prophet or some mental lady.. well i found a vid on that as well as a book explaining her visions and going through the tests in how to tell a true prophet.. she passed.
if they are a cult.. what a cult they are, because they have hospitals, send aid, teach about jesus salvation all over the globe.. i actualy know a few SDA and they sent 3 people from the local church to haiti.. to me a denomination is only seperated by how they worship the same lord and savior jesus..
but i will say this; alot of things taught by some churches are not biblical. i was cathlic, luthern, and dated a girl and went to church a few times with her babtist family. so i know a little about some denominations..
im still concidering on joining the SDA church. i dont think this topic will get out of hand; because we all know jesus saves.