The propsed REAL new alliance race.


New Member
If you go to the World of Warcraft website they will give you a link to the New York times website, provided a few threads down by shadetaker. The site and the video state that the new alliance race will be the Drenai. The video looks pretty nice and the Drenai look a lot better then those stupid Blood Elves. Hopefully, Blizzard is telling the truth and not just setting us up for a big suprise when they officially announce the new race. It seems that in the video the Drenai will be able to have pally's.... I wonder if in the expansion if there will be any new classes to play... Well I dunno... but I do encourage all of you to get to 60 and get gear... because for those of you who have great gear I am sure it will be a lot easier to get to level 70.
Yep a few highlights.

In a twist, the Draenei are descended from the same demonic race, the Eredar, that produced some of Warcraft’s most fearsome foes, like the demon Archimonde.

In addition to being able to test-play the Draenei, attendees at the convention this week, formally known as the Electronic Entertainment Expo, will get their first peek at the Nether Drakes, which are among several flying beasts that players will be able to mount in Burning Crusade.

Edit: Heres an big interview with one of the Devs with a lot of cool information. I like the quote below sounds like they might be fixing some of the loot issues in ZG, like making 2 items drop and a quest item, which is how I think it should have been from the start.

Q. So for the Tier 3 sets, is Naxxramas a token system or are there straight-up drops?

A. It is a token system but a refined token system. In Ahn’Qiraj and Zul’Gurub we realized we made a bad mistake with itemization. Token systems can be good and reputation systems can be very useful, but combining token systems with reputation requirements is not necessarily a good design decision, or at least it wasn’t with ZG and AQ. For example, ZG was supposed to be a stepping stone into raiding. So you take a guild that has little experience and they go into ZG and for a new group, it’s going to take them a few tries to down the first boss, Venoxis. And they finally kill Venoxis and what do they get? Probably one blue item and then this token item. But even using that token item might require Honored reputation, and so they feel like they’re not being rewarded.

Instead for that first boss we need to be saying, “Good job! Here’s two good items.” Instead they get something like a purple Hakkari item that only makes blue shoulders, and then only if they have Honored rep. I had that happen to me on one of my characters and I was like, “This is just broken.” So we realize things like that and we’re moving to fix them.
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Few other interesting quotes.

Q. What about legendary caster items?

A. A caster legendary is in the game and ready to go for patch 1.11.

Q. Overall, what percentage of level 60 players do you think have killed Ragnaros?

A. I don’t have firm statistics, but my gut feeling is around 25 percent.

Q. And what about Nefarian?

A. From the gut, I’d say maybe 15 percent.

Q. In terms of how Burning Crusade players will be able to handle older content, how many level 70 characters, for example, do you think it will take to kill Ragnaros?

A. I’m not sure because we’re actually about to start testing on that, but I would guess 10 to 15.

I could imagine going back to MC with a 10 man to kill for that last piece you are missing, like searching for a toep or something.
Of course the ToEP will be 40 item levels below what you get out of the level 70 instances. People will just try and do MC with as few people as possible, but even that will get old. How many level 60s, decked out in MC gear actually solo or duo Uldman for the phat lewtz?
Idk, about most items in the lvl 60 range but I'd say the legendaries will still be good if not better than some of the lvl 70 stuff.
The new race is the dranai, I saw it at E3 this week. The dranai have 3 racial abilities that I saw, they have jewelcrafting +15, an ability that heals for 50 damage over 15 second(this was on a level 1 character, not sure if this scales at all) and a passive ability that improves the chance to hit of everyone in thier party by 1% who is within 30 yards

In terms of new weapons they showed a dagger that was 73 dps and a two handed sword that was 92dps with a 425 max damage.