The Presear Master has hung up his...... preseary thing

MaidMirawyn said:
This is a public service announcement, brought to you by women everywhere:

Don't take advice on women from tech...

It's fine advice!

As a woman, I am sure you are aware of the affect a man's stomach has on his heart. Sandwich = love kindling.

And, for the record, my wife will tell you she is quite spoiled. So N'YAH!
techwhosaysnee said:
It's fine advice!

As a woman, I am sure you are aware of the affect a man's stomach has on his heart. Sandwich = love kindling.

And, for the record, my wife will tell you she is quite spoiled. So N'YAH!
So, she is crying and you should get a sandwich? Something fishy about that!

You know, you can only make these claims because your wonderful wife is never on the forums! I guess we'll take your word for it, though...
MaidMirawyn said:
So, she is crying and you should get a sandwich? Something fishy about that!

You know, you can only make these claims because your wonderful wife is never on the forums! I guess we'll take your word for it, though...

No, I make these claims to her face. She just hits me for it.

But she hits me in a very submissive way!!!
techwhosaysnee said:
No, I make these claims to her face. She just hits me for it.

But she hits me in a very submissive way!!!
Hmmm...I repeat:
MaidMirawyn said:
This is a public service announcement, brought to you by women everywhere:

Don't take advice on women from tech...

:p :D :p :D
the anti-feminist females are the best. haha.

I have a friend who says a woman's place is in the kitchen.
and she's really hot, too. none of that backcountry type, she's a cheerleader at my college. haha.
great debator, too. got an A+ at our debate class, too.
but I got a medal at the competition.

just had to end with a note putting me on top.
ArchAngel said:
the anti-feminist females are the best. haha.
Define feminist. I'm a feminist, but in the tradition of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Not Gloria Steinem or "the National Organization for Women who Think the Way We Say To."

Remember, submission is voluntary! It is not forcing someone to do what you want them to. And while a wife is commanded to submit, a husband is commanded to love his wife as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for her. You can't just pick and choose.
MaidMirawyn said:
Define feminist. I'm a feminist, but in the tradition of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Not Gloria Steinem or "the National Organization for Women who Think the Way We Say To."

Remember, submission is voluntary! It is not forcing someone to do what you want them to. And while a wife is commanded to submit, a husband is commanded to love his wife as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for her. You can't just pick and choose.

Feminist carries a reference to women like Ms. Steinem for me. You are what I would simply call a lady, just like Teresa. Not a term I throw around very loosely.

And yes, while I kid... I'm very devoted to putting her happines before my own. I'm far more likely to make her breakfast in bed than I am to demand anything.

She DOES make a good sandwhich though...
techwhosaysnee said:
Feminist carries a reference to women like Ms. Steinem for me. You are what I would simply call a lady, just like Teresa. Not a term I throw around very loosely.
Thanks for the compliment! Unfortunately, most people think of NOW when they hear "feminist." There's even a book called "Who Stole Feminism?" on that very topic! Very sad, considering the Christian character of the founders of the Women's Suffrage movement...

According to Webster, feminism is "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" or "organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests," all of which are causes I believe in. Steinem and NOW, however, are far from representative of me. I believe their term for women such as us are "men in skirts", "honorary men," or, conversely, "traitors." :rolleyes:

Of course, we are pretty happy; they are ones who are angry or miserable (or both). That should tell them something...

techwhosaysnee said:
I'm very devoted to putting her happines before my own. I'm far more likely to make her breakfast in bed than I am to demand anything.

She DOES make a good sandwhich though...
I knew you were a good guy! I've always preferred "nice guys," even as a giggly teenage girl. No "bad boys" for me! I like being treated with respect...silly me! :rolleyes:
everybody is a susan b. anthony feminist. that title holds no more potency.

the term feminist needs to create a group of people in mind, so naturally, it'd refer to the Steinemians.
MaidMirawyn said:
Thanks for the compliment! Unfortunately, most people think of NOW when they hear "feminist." There's even a book called "Who Stole Feminism?" on that very topic! Very sad, considering the Christian character of the founders of the Women's Suffrage movement...

According to Webster, feminism is "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" or "organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests," all of which are causes I believe in. Steinem and NOW, however, are far from representative of me. I believe their term for women such as us are "men in skirts", "honorary men," or, conversely, "traitors." :rolleyes:

Of course, we are pretty happy; they are ones who are angry or miserable (or both). That should tell them something...

I knew you were a good guy! I've always preferred "nice guys," even as a giggly teenage girl. No "bad boys" for me! I like being treated with respect...silly me! :rolleyes:

Webster also defines a church as a building. Webster is washed up.

The term man, or men, much like lady holds (or at least should hold) a sense of higher esteem. Calling them "men in skirts" would be insulting! How about "women in need of advanced oppression."

I heard a commentary on a Christian radio station that was saying how a feminist leader was quoted as saying something about how the biggest thread "the movement" faces today is not oppressive husbands who won't let their wives go do what they want, but wives who wish to stay home, in spite of having the freedom to go out. I found that to be very interesting.

I still love a good sandwich.
ArchAngel said:
everybody is a susan b. anthony feminist. They aren't, sadly. I spent most of my life hearing from my dad how useless women were, and how inferior. Fortunately, I didn't buy into it.

I also had someone tell me once, when I was taking two calc classes in the same term (while working thirty hours a week), "you must have a brain in that pretty head of yours." And he wasn't joking; he was genuinely surpised that a woman could excel at math and science. :rolleyes:

Women in the US, though, have it pretty good. Sure, there are idiot chauvinists around. But we have rights and legal protection, and in general are treated like people. Women in much of the Middle East and large parts of Africa don't (and even some parts of Asia). When you look at what they must endure every day, it makes Steinem and her ilk look like spoiled whiny brats who are pitching a fit because the world doesn't revolve around them.

It's even worse when they have the gall to compare the isolated discrimination in the US to conditions in the Middle East...
I spent most of my life hearing from my dad how useless women were, and how inferior.
well, outside of the south....
(lol. jk. no hate to the south. well, just a little)

in my side of the country, one professor was just short of having his resignation demanded when he wondered if guys tend to preform better in higher math and sciences, and women in verbal, as statistics seemed to show. it got on the news and stuff.
MaidMirawyn said:
I also had someone tell me once, when I was taking two calc classes in the same term (while working thirty hours a week), "you must have a brain in that pretty head of yours." And he wasn't joking; he was genuinely surpised that a woman could excel at math and science. :rolleyes:
This guy was a Yank...
Back on topic...

Eventhough MM has hijacked my thread with rantings about how she is a "person" and should be able to "vote," I have something more important and thread-related to say.


Thank you.
techwhosaysnee said:
Yay! Yippee! Yeehaw!

Don't you really feel like you accomplished something big?

Which is, actually, kind of sad...I got so excited when I ascended I think I yelled really loudly on TS...
MaidMirawyn said:
Yay! Yippee! Yeehaw!

Don't you really feel like you accomplished something big?

Which is, actually, kind of sad...I got so excited when I ascended I think I yelled really loudly on TS...


Actually yesterday I managed to do all the following:

-Get to Droks
-Buy Droks Armor
-Skill cap several skills needed for a pet training build I read about
-Infuse armor
-Run to Iron Citadel, in anticipation of ever being able to afford 15k armor.

All in all, pretty productive. Except for the trash that didn't get taken out and the cleaning out of our storage unit that got put off until today. Oh and the cat box... and the... er.. um......

Yes, I was very productive.
Yeah, I stayed up til...uh...very late....yes, let's leave it at that...on Wednesday ..uh...Thursday. My list:

Made it to Ring of Fire (Final Blow)
Completed the Warrior's Path (Mirawyn as a Mesmer/Warrior? Anything can seem a good idea after midnight...)
The Forgotten Ones
Forgotten Wisdom
The Hero's Challenge

And I taught Dredd's brothers some German... :D