The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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untrue, i never post here, its just a cheap way of getting your spam count up....

The person below is on an Icthus spam count - 10 posts until 4,000 posts for the new King of Spam.
False, but now I'm intrigued. Go Icthus go!!

The person below me likes to watch old ladies play Bingo. (and no, this has nothing to do with me whatsoever)
False, watching people play bingo is about as much fun as watching grass grow at a baseball game in the desert.

The person below didn't fall for that "it has nothing to do with me what-so-ever" bit of Deuteronomy's and believes Deuteronomy has a strange obsession with watching old ladies play Bingo.
False, but I may be heading that way

The person below is planning on shaving their head for a cause within the year.
True... someone other than myself, Icthus, GP and Tek... but CHICKENSOUP...

The person above me needs 9 posts. (shouldnt be hard... <rollseyes> :D).
Hmmm...Odale is attempting to kill the thread by forgetting to play the game.....sheesh

The person BELOW me thinks Odale is a noob.
True and I may have known him longer than anyone.

The person below me knows how old Odale was when I met him.
False. But in the interests of keeping this thread going, I'll guess 11.

The person below me thinks I overbid, and will now bid $1.00
True, I'm trying to get into more healthy snacks mind you.

The person below me feels that taking a week off WoW can be considered a diet
Don't know how to answer that one seeing how I don't play WoW but I have thought of starting but I do play Guild Wars so in that aspect I would probably say yes.

The person below me enjoys the thought of going back to school.
ive tried a few times but after getting suspended from school for a week a few years ago i stopped trying

the person below me recognizes the name Geno and what game he is from
True, but it's been years ago. I've also repelled down a 100 foot cliff with full combat gear on.

The person below me is as unimpressed as I am.
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