The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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The person below me knows which character on M*A*S*H was actually in the Korean War, and which character was the only one in the movie.
Does a Secada count? I've eatin those.

The person below me can't wait for the new Demon Hunter Album
False, I do not "play" with fire. I interact with it for my enjoyment and the pleasure of other people.

The person below me has experienced my work with fire while eating at my house.
False since my dad never owned a truck. I did however light a match in my basement and immediately put it out. My mom and grandma came down and smelled it and wondered where it was coming from. They eventually came to the conclusion of one of the neighbors must be bbq-ing. =P

The person below me has been to the Bahamas.
False, but I love good coffee... not Starbucks.

The person below me knows how to make am extra-dry capp w/ two extra shots (a.k.a. "JFK extra dry Cap")
False, but would be willing to bet my wife could whip that up in no time at her cafe!

The person below me likes the new look of the forums.
True.....need to figure out how to enlarge the print though

The person below me is nominating Icthus to be the new guild leader when his term ends.
False. Although I think he has been a wonderful GL, I respect his decision not to run again.

The person below me has been to a Shakespeare Festival / play in the last year.
False, not a fan, not sure there even was just one guy that wrote all that and yes I mean this "crap".

The person below me has studied enough of Bill S. to know what the heck I am talking about.
False, I personally don't like to read, too much work...maybe that is why I cant spell, the wife is the teacher not me...

The person below me thinks that the Denver Broncos will win the Super Bowl this year!!!! (or at least an AFC team)
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