The Off Topic Thread!

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Mwahaha! Sharpie pwnage!
Hardly! :rolleyes: Mine won't fit in one of those containers. (I know, cause they used to be in one.)

I even have the rare, no-longer-made gold Sharpie. Besides, those are only the ones I can FIND. Some are floating around, and I took some to work.

Don't mess with the Sharpie queen! ;)
No, I am very careful to ensure that my Sharpies are used in properly ventilated areas. To do otherwise would be an affront to their superb suitability to their intended purpose.
lololol, you sound like your trying to convince yourself. Every time you open a sharpie I believe you loose brain cells.

The reason my sword isn't sharp. (This isn't me, or anyone I know, but I do the same type of dance.)
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chicken != chicken (o0o)
chicken = rattlesnake
rattlesnake = chicken
people = chicken
people = rattlesnake (we taste like reptiles!)
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