The-Messenjah banned from forums

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I have permanently banned The-Messenjah from the forums on the grounds of verbally assaulting other forum members and use of profanity.

Here is the original warning message I sent to him:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Greetings,

I was recently alerted to one of your posts on the Religious Discussion forum where you told another forum member to "ST*U." I also found a post where you circumvented the swear filter by abbreviating another obscenity as "f*n." I was previously under the impression that you were a Christian but will give you one, and only one warning, to improve your behavior before banning you from the forums. This behavior, regardless of your belief system, is unacceptable. If you feel the need to verbally attack others, please do not return to our forums.

I am not banning or limiting your account at this time but will be monitoring your posts over the next week. If I see any good reason to ban you from the forums, I will do so without warning. I sincerely hope that this will not be the case.

Should you decide to stay at the forums, I will expect that you post a public apology and not behave in a similar fashion again.

If you disagree with the Christian faith, then that is your free choice. But while you retain the privelege of posting on our forums, you will abide by our rules or you will lose that privelege.

Here is his reply, edited to removed obscenities:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Hmm... I have a reply to what you posted...


OM*G Im so bad i used the F-Word.

Please... Dont be so immature. It isnt that big a deal. If i have strong views about something, I will reply strongly. I am sorry if this upsets your idea of the "Perfect Christian". I didnt see anywhere in the bible where if you swear then you arent a christian. If you reject God you arent, but wether you swear or not is a different matter.

Who cares anyway?? I mean all i do is b***h on these forums, so what is the point of staying.

I know this will result in a ban, that is why i am telling you up front. Just do it. I dont care.

That is all


Please note that if others take this viewpoint and act on it that I do reserve the right to ban them immediately and without warning.
Just in case anyone wonders what the bible says about profanity:

Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Ephesians 5:4
Nor should there be any obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.

In reply to:
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It isnt that big a deal..... I am sorry if this upsets your idea of the "Perfect Christian". I didnt see anywhere in the bible where if you swear then you arent a christian.

You are right in that profanity in itself will not keep you from being a Christian, and there is no such thing as a "perfect Christian", however, a Christian who wants to honor God will take heed to God's word. Furthermore, being a Christian means that you are called out to bear witness to God/Christ and represent him well, especially in public where others take notice of your words and actions.

Be careful when using profanity and "I am a Christian" in the same dialogue...that type of behavior is inconsistant and damaging to those that could be nonbelievers and see you as a Christian representative.
Just in case anyone wonders what the Asatruar says about Profanity...

Profanity causes no harm, but disrespect does. We're in anothers home - he is obliged to be a good host, and we're obliged to be a good guest. Being a good host means making allowances for differences within reason, and making all guests feel equally welcome. Being a good guest means being properly appreciative of the hosts efforts on our behalf, and acknowledging his rights under his own roof.
he was rightfuly banned for ignorance to the rules
Thankyou very much Tek.. i think it was a rightful decision. He chose to ignore the rules, broke it several times with warnings, and insulted many other members.
James, the brother of Christ said, "How can you praise God with the same mouth you curse with?" - Book of James

Think about it Messanjah.

But i am sorry, i am with favour on Isaiah (Tek) with this one. You didn't listen to his warning. And cursing back to his post...that was kinda immature, well - it would be immature for anyone to curse at anything or anyone. But if thats who you are, well we can't change you. But it was great having you here for the past time, but time moves on, so must i so must you. So hope you had a great time here. Have fun in whatever you may do.
you cna read the posts, but cannot reply to it - thats what i can do if i'm not logged in.

can you
Some forums I know can not let me read the posts. I'd have to be registered just to read them.

So, to answer you, woot, yes, i can read it without logging in this forum .
Stop the bickering, fellers.

Hmm. Here's my question guys: why is profanity so wrong? When does profanity become profanity? I've asked this already, but since you've banned the guy for using 1337-sp34k STFU (something I did not know was a swear word...what does the ST stand for if the last two letters are abbrevations for the common flick-off?) and for "cursing" and "swearing". I dunno. I was never under the impression that The-Messenjah was a Christian, but hey, I've been wrong before. I believe he tipped me off on that point with his story regarding his new move-in in the city where no Christians would help out? And he had a lot of spite and contempt for them? Yeah, I think that was him.

Is "swearing" deemed inappropriate if society frowns on it? Or if Christians frown on it?
This seems to be an event I missed during my from here, but I would definitely agree with banning someone over that. Yeah, there will always be a constant arguement over whether or not swearing is really wrong, but regardless of that, it's not allowed here, plain and simple. Violators will be prosecuted. End of story.

Good to see you all again :-).
[EDIT]As for "STFU," wouldn't exactly classify that as 1337-sp34k. It's sort of a few levels under, ranking right AOL n00b abbreviation for ghetto slang, at best. S= Shut and U = Up. TF are hereby left to the imagination...or not
Arr. I took it as this: Stuff you. Hmm, but now that I look at it...okay.
I've been wrong before, and perhaps I'm wrong about Messenjah's faith or lack thereof.
Perhaps he's unorthodox, or doesn't put value in such things as avoid profanity. Hmm. I dunno. It's a hard thing to say.
It's a scene from Equilibrium, just foud it at one of the few fansites for the movie (good movie, BTW, watch it).
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ultima Avatar @ Feb. 21 2004,9:07)]Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmygosh.
Stop the bickering, fellers.

Hmm. Here's my question guys: why is profanity so wrong? When does profanity become profanity?
"The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water. " (JAMES 3: 6-12)