My wife and I within this past year attended a church numerous times and each time we visited my wife would write out a check and basically tithe out of gratefulness of an open door. Well a new door opened and we felt an heartbeat echoing louder through another open door and we departed for it!
Now for some reason tithe envelopes from the latter church keep arriving via mail? I know this is probably automated to which lies my question. Now don't get me wrong I'm only kinda dis'n for I received good word, but the request for money when I've been away for over six months? Not a single live soul to question or check on our well being sent a chill through me to think of a shepherds responsibility of the flock. Is this a sign of a burdened shepherd? I think he should he have at least sent someone. This burns in my mind. Water please!
Now for some reason tithe envelopes from the latter church keep arriving via mail? I know this is probably automated to which lies my question. Now don't get me wrong I'm only kinda dis'n for I received good word, but the request for money when I've been away for over six months? Not a single live soul to question or check on our well being sent a chill through me to think of a shepherds responsibility of the flock. Is this a sign of a burdened shepherd? I think he should he have at least sent someone. This burns in my mind. Water please!