The Fj of old...

I still chuckle every time I see that screenshot. I can't help but be amused by the fact that Jhostav kneeling is taller than Fjorboug standing. :D

By the way, which one of us took that screenie?

EDIT: Grats on 500 posts!
I forgot how out of wack the graphics in that game where.
True, DAoC wasn't as shiny as WoW, but the RvR action more than made up for the lack of polish. I even dared to take my level 27 Troll Shaman out to the frontier. I got smeared by higher-level characters, of course, but I had a blast.

You would have to create something...

Like, you could hold booty bay then all the alliance in STV got a special buff.

Or you could create some hold points that your side had to hold to get into Onyxia's lair.

Or you could give double gold if one faction held four of five points.

Or you could make all vendors sell stuff and repairs or maybe even AH cheaper cut if the faction held enough points.