Thanks Tots!


Hi all,

This is just a quick note about the kindness displayed by people in this guild from the new guy's perspective. Tots ran a "quick" 5-man heroic with some of us yesterday. Like most, I'm sure she was thinking about getting in a quick run for the extra emblems then moving on to something else. Well, it didn't exactly turn out that way. It was more like herding the proverbial cats, I'm sure. I think she was the only one who'd been there before.

Ignoring the misdeeds of others, I found enough ways to induce a headache for her all by myself. Let's see, I got lost, asked her to explain basically everything about flying a drake and pushing buttons at the same time, got lost again when I died (one of many), couldn't figure out how to choose a different colored drake (turns out you can do that--who knew?), and almost had to remove my shoes to keep track of wipes--needed the extra digits. I'm sure there were plenty more, but information overload being what it is... you get the picture.

As for Tots, she was just... nice. Despite all the chaos, she taught me the mechanics of the fight, some strategy for next time, and don't forget the lesson in "that which you have done to the least of mine..." What could have been the worst part of the gaming day turned out to be, for me, the best. Thanks, Tots!

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Not only is she as cute as they come, her beauty radiates from the inside out. She is a good reflection of her Heavenly Father! And she has been extremely helpful and understanding to me. Ain't we blessed to number her amidst our fellowship?

Bill, you are sooo blessed!
lol thanks all...and thanks War :)

Though, im def no angel :p Not gunna lie and say I wasn't frustrated! But I'm glad we finally downed the boss lol. Let me know if you ever have any questions. If I had known you didn't know the instance before hand I would have explained it to you in whispers lol
Occulus = run for your life! If I'm doing random h on my own and get occ I just leave immediately and requeue after the cooldown is over. If I'm queued with friends I'll stay. It's not that I don't have patience for people that don't know it, it's that they never SAY they don't know it and end up causing a hassle for the rest of the group when we could easily have explained things. Good work Tots. I just shudder at the thought of Occulus.