Thank You Goblit


New Member
Thanks Gobby for setting up the race through deadmines!!!

Although, I wasn't there to participate, Many have said they had a great time.:D Thank you for taking the time to do this. It is things like these that bring us closer together as a guild. Sometimes its just nice to get out there and do some of the wierdest things... like the Hogger raid we had not too far back

Thanks Again
Yeah, Goblit. I had a great time getting pwnd by 40 lvl 18 mobs. I laughed when the blinkin mage won. Blink FTW!

Thanks for setting up events like this.
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You are welcome :) Hope to run another race soon! It was fun. The only disappointment for me was that so many came on later that wanted to participate just as we were ending. I'll try and schedule the next race for a different time to include more peeps maybe.
I know Shadowbill one the "Most deaths" award, but thats only because I won't admit to dieing more times then he. I couldn't get the blasting powder for the life of me to open that last door. Sad sad day for healers everywhere! LOL
As one of the WINNERS yeah, not bragging or anything cause I just stealthed through on my 17 rogue behind Angry tanking, it was really fun! Even not winning before we won was totally fun. Thanks Goblit.
Care to put a wager on it?
I can get multiple Redeemed members to vouch for me on it.

Miriallia, Melinarlia, Icthus, Lukey and Azzie too.

Maybe others as well.

I would say that he has died in excess of 15 or 20 times in there.

If you want to add Osirys and Oddbob to the mix, the number would go to 30 or 35.
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I can get multiple Redeemed members to vouch for me on it.

Miriallia, Melinarlia, Icthus, Lukey and Azzie too.

Maybe others as well.

I would say that he has died in excess of 15 or 20 times in there.

If you want to add Osirys and Oddbob to the mix, the number would go to 30 or 35.

At what level?
Mostly at 60 and 70, sadly.

I can't even remember how many times it was when he was at the level that the instance is designed for...

That must have been horrible... lol.
I know Shadowbill one the "Most deaths" award, but thats only because I won't admit to dieing more times then he. I couldn't get the blasting powder for the life of me to open that last door. Sad sad day for healers everywhere! LOL

LoL. I quit after the first death. *note* I died at the same spot Aves. I trailed 20+ mobs to the door and that's when I noticed i already used vanish. haha, death by flees!:D
It was alot of fun, I really enjoyed getting to gether for something that was fun and not serious, bringing back the "game" aspect of wow.
I wonder if we should try to set up a naxx run before it goes to northerend!
To run naxx we need:

40 attuned people
and somebody who knows what to do in there.

attunement is relatively cheap given the amount of gold you can get from dailies. i'm attuned and have been in there a couple times, but not for a full clear. Its a fun place.
yeah ... we would have to run pre BC raids and DE the purples yech......


any one up for Molten Core?