
Well, I'm not sure where to begin. I've got a long testimony and will try to make it short. I was raised by two non christian parents. I started going to church to be able to see my friends on the weekends at about age 5. My best friend's (and he still is that at age 38) mother was very active in getting his friends to attend church with him. I went, listened (when I wasn't being class clown) and some of it soaked in. Not a lot, but enough to give me somewhat of a foundation and know who Jesus is. Once I hit high school, I quit going to church. I still stayed fairly clean even though I got in a lot of fights. I was the one in school that people went to when someone was picking on them or giving them problems and I would go beat on that person. I was also the one in school that had the status as "the person to beat" so I had people picking fights with me all the time. I didn't do any drugs other than alcohol, I never smoked at all, and was a straight A student in advanced placement classes. Took Calc, Physics, and all advanced classes in high school. This is fairly common now but wasn't in the 1980's. I graduated 3rd out of almost 400. I scored a 32 on the ACT and had scholarship offers all over the place, so what did I do...? I joined the Marines. I had ran into family problems at home, couldn't get along with my mother and had moved in with my grandmother. My mother was having problems with menopause and wouldn't take the hormones her dr. wanted her to and I was a teenager. The two didn't go together well. My best friend who was a B/C student had no scholarships waiting so we went into the Marines together. Once I got in the Marines, I was aircrew on KC-130's and my friend was Motor Transport so we ended up stationed in the same state but not together. I flew all over the world and went wild. Much of that foundation that had kept me fairly clean in high school was out the window. I was drinking every night, different women every night, and the stereotypical Marine. I loved fighting and did some amateur boxing and body building while in the Corps. Cut through a couple years of the same thing and my 6 years in the Corps were up. My plan was to get out, go to college and go back as an officer in the KC-130 pilot program. I had been the Airborn Radio Operator, Loadmaster, and in flight refueling observer in my 6 years in.
Once I got out, I did the "grown up" thing. Moved back home, married my high school girlfriend (in a relationship solely physically based) and got into school. I had completed some part time classes while I was in the Marines so I didn't have to start as a Freshman. In November (I had gotten out in March, started school in August, and married in Sept.) I was on the way to school for an evening class and was hit head on by a drunk driver passing cars coming around a long curve. I was going 65, he was going faster and we collided head on with almost no warning. I flipped my truck end over end a couple times, then it rolled sideways a couple times. It started skidding upside down with sparks flying all over and I was trying to crawl out. I felt a calming pressure on my back which pinned me down and could feel and hear the words "not yet". When the truck stopped, it was upside down and I was able to crawl out - barely. I was almost dead, ended up having to have 250 stitches and staples, had internal injuries, broken bones, and was just a mess. I survived and have had to have bones cut out of my foot, many operations, and am not very physically fit anymore.
2 months later I had gone back to work on light duty at nights. I had a great job that allowed me to just sit there pretty much and collect a check. One morning I got off work a couple hours early and came home to find my wife in bed with a mutual friend.
I was on crutches and ended up breaking one over his head before he could even get up. Needless to say that marriage ended horribly and quickly.
My friend had been bugging me to go to church with him and I put him off every time. "I have to work". "I'm going to my parent's" "I have this or that to do". Finally, I was talking to him one night and he just asked what I was doing the next day. Without thinking I said nothing. He told me good that he'd be by at 9:30 to pick me up for church. I was stuck. I went with him and saw a woman singing a song by Clay Cross. The woman was an amazing singer and I just felt drawn to her. I asked her out, she wouldn't date me because I wasn't christian. I ended up going back again and again. I finally realized that I was going because I wanted to. I was starting to feel the presence of God even if I didn't know what it was. Several months later I got baptised and was drawn into God's Kingdom. I ended up marrying the woman that was singing and having my daughter with her. Unfortunately that marriage ended also. It was part my fault, part her fault but I ended up with custody of our daughter because her mother is bi-polar. I am now married to the most wonderful caring christian woman I can imagine. She too is an awesome singer (I see a pattern emerging) and has a degree in music from Cincinnati Bible College. My 2nd ex and I are best friends, share our daughter very well, and she has a husband who is one of those guys that is just too perfect. If he was not married to my ex, we'd probably be great friends. We still are friends and he never oversteps his boundaries with my daughter.
I've had a rough road and most of it was because I tried to make my own path and not stay on God's path. Some of it was because an idiot went for more alcohol when he ran out. I was never able to go back into the Corps because of all the physical problems but am now a professional photographer, very active in my church, and considering going back to college to get a degree in counseling, teaching, or several other things.

Oh, yes, my mother and I did patch up our relationship in the last 10 years or so and became wonderful friends before she passed away just a couple months ago (the week before Christmas). I still don't know why God let what happen, happen. I do know that He has a plan for me because I never felt anything so real as His hand on me in my wreck. I wouldn't still be here if He didn't have something in store for me.

I'm Healsalot on WoW on Stonemaul and my daughter is Unchained on the same server if anyone wants to stop by and talk.

Christian Gamers Alliance community members: If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to share your testimony.
Did my testimony get lost?

I'm wondering if maybe I'm not looking in the write place, but I remember when I joined ToJ, I wrote a pretty long testimony and I'm not seeing it anywhere here. Would it be located somewhere else, or should I talk to someone about retrieving it? I joined around late December '08 or early January of '09, if that helps.


I'm wondering if maybe I'm not looking in the write place, but I remember when I joined ToJ, I wrote a pretty long testimony and I'm not seeing it anywhere here. Would it be located somewhere else, or should I talk to someone about retrieving it? I joined around late December '08 or early January of '09, if that helps.


Testimonies entered when you apply for membership in Tribe of Judah are kept in the ToJ MySQL database, but not viewable by anyone but a few select staff members (e.g. President, Membership Administrator, Lead Web Developer).

If you'd like to receive the testimony you entered when applying for membership in ToJ, send me a PM and I'll see that you receive the text of the testimony in a reply PM.
My ministry

Hello everyone,

I'm new here and so glad to discover a christian gaming community, since gaming is a hobby I enjoy so much.

I came to faith in Christ when I was 21 at an evangelical conference and had no prior influence of christianity or religion of any kind. Some might've called me antagonistic to religion, but I didn't know what I believed, I was merely mimicking the world.

When presented with a proper gospel presentation for the first time, I knew immediately this was what I needed. God was what I was missing, not money or power or fun.

That was many years ago and I can confidently say I have grown immensely since then, but it took alot of time, far more than I anticipated to work out the salvation I had received. Over time and alot of repeated sin, I eventually grew to hate my sin as God does, and piece by piece, He dropped it from me. Glory to God in the highest!!:)

For about 14 years I have been involved in disciplemaking with this http://www.discipleshipint.org/about_us/ ministry and been allowed to work in God's field helping grow His harvest, what an immense privelege.

I still love gaming, been a fanatic since I was young and played Risk, Monopoly, etc.

So here I am, glad to meet you all and thrilled to combine my faith with my hobby! :D

I'd love to see some new testimonies posted to this thread!
My testimony thus far...

Wow where to begin.... Got saved (or what I thought was saved) back in the mid 80’s as my parents were first to tell me about Jesus. The trouble was that things never really progressed beyond that point. I never really developed a heartfelt “relationship with Him”.

When I was older I started to fall away – because I was one of those Stony Grounds in Mark 4:16 that had no root… and as I watched my parents fall from grace it made it worse.

As I got older and moved away, I figured I was lied to about everything, I wasn’t seeing any goodness from God – basically life sucked, and my life especially. I hated every single day and eventually wound up in the hospital with not one, not two, but three terminal diseases (yes all three would’ve killed me).

Of course I blamed this on God as well, and I figured it was Gods' final way of punishing me because I was such an awful person.

Yet, this is where the story gets good… Those who have been in the hospital (particularly the ICU) know that it’s impossible to sleep there, with nurses constantly coming in and automatic diagnostic machines buzzing and beeping every five minutes.

While I was laying there I began to make plans for how I wanted to die and what I wanted to do with my last days. I wrote goodbye letters to my friends and family even though we really didn’t get along because, well, it’s all I had left.

When that was done and I was still lying there awake, I flipped through the 10 channels on the tiny T.V. in the room and on comes this preacher. I snickered and said “yeah I’ve heard this all before”, but I listened anyway, because hey, there was nothing better on.

This time, something clicked inside, and I suddenly felt that there was really something missing in my life. That the loving relationship with Jesus was something I never actually experienced before, but I WANTED IT… I broke down right there and admitted that I hadn’t lived the life outlined in the scriptures and if there was a problem I needed to start with myself. Actually the first thought that went through my head was “I might as well do my part the best I can, and if it still doesn’t work at least I can’t be blamed”.

Somewhat simple I admit, but sometimes the simple ideas are the best. So I started over, with a newfound interest in Christ and probably my first true time being “born-again” as I don’t even count my experience in my childhood because I had never had an awakening like that… ever!

My outlook completely changed… and guess what… all three of my illnesses vanished. My hematologist and oncologist actually said to me “Why are you here? There’s nothing wrong with you!” (so YES I know for a fact that God still heals today!)

From that moment on I dedicated my life fully to Him and nothing has ever felt so right and I have never looked back! Now I just want to share the same Jesus that I have come to know with everyone else so they can experience the wonderful LIFE that I have come to know.

P.S. For those that are wondering I have also reconciled with my parents and am actively working to bring them back to the faith, -- In-fact we will be getting together in a few days for Christmas and I am believing that God will use this time to accomplish this.
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that's really fantastic. God does heal! I find myself overly critical of TV preachers, I should stop myself because God can still use them when needed!!
The original Testimonies thread is nearly a decade old and it recently occurred to me that I've never posted my testimony.

I thought to check the thread after being challenged by my Wednesday night small group leader to write out my testimony.

I'll try to keep it brief, but you all know well enough by now how difficult that can be for me. :)

I was raised by Christian parents and our family attended church until I was in fifth grade. I don't recall why we stopped attending or even if our attendance was consistent throughout the first 10-11 years of my life. I don't remember a time in my life when I would have denied the basic tenets of Christianity, but it was until a youth event in Oklahoma that I prayed to receive Christ at the age of 14. I attended a local church for a short while, then visited a different youth group with my best friend (who goes by the handle Elihu on these forums) after the start of my 9th grade year.

My teenage years were awkward (which is an understatement, but I'll spare you the embarrassing details) and the church I attended leaned heavily toward Prosperity Gospel teaching. I attended the same church until after I graduated high school and started taking classes at a local community college, attended a different church for a short time, stopped attending church for about 6 months, then returned to the same church as before.

During my years in youth group, I learned a lot, made several great friends, and read Scripture on my own as well. I never could make some aspects of the Prosperity Gospel message jive with what I was reading independently, so when I moved to another state to finish my degree (in 2004) and get married (in early 2005), I was blessed to find and attend a small local church with sound Biblical teaching.

I look back on my teen years, as I'm sure many do, with regrets, not only for the stupid things I did, but the wasted opportunities to bless and encourage others and speak Biblical truth into their life. I think of the fellow Christians with whom I used to attend church and worship God and I'm grieved by the fact that they're no longer part of a local church--in part because they're missing out on wonderful communities but perhaps even moreso that they have such amazing gifts and talents to offer but aren't connected with other believers. Having experienced the church culture in Oklahoma first-hand, I understand and sympathize (all too well) with their reasons, but I wish they could have experienced the same blessings I've received from fellow Christians in the context of the local church.

Overall, my story is one of praying a prayer then fumbling my way through what it means to be a Christian--sometimes guided by people with good intentions but flawed doctrine. I've learned in the last 20 years that God is so much bigger than Prosperity Gospel, that such teaching only leads to despair for many (including myself), and that God is faithful to care for me even when I am not faithful to serve Him.

My story of founding then leading Tribe of Judah and later the Christian Gamers Alliance runs parallel to my own personal testimony, though there are shared themes of regretting lost opportunities and fumbling my way through.

In short, my testimony is that God would accept and still love one who was prideful, undisciplined, judgmental, and often useless for His Kingdom and still bless me with salvation--past (justification), present progressive (sanctification), and future (glorification)--as well as a wonderful family, local church, and online community of believers.
I, seeing as I am trying to become a member, do not see why I should be exempt from this request. Even if the thread is a little dusty!

REAL long story short:

I was the last chance for my mother to have a child before menopause. Still births, crib deaths and many miscarriages were before me so in that respect I was her miracle from God.

Unfortunately my dad wasn't all too kind to me so when I was 11 I was taken away to foster homes because of abuse. For five years I was tossed between seven foster homes. Never having any real friends, no one truly reaching out to me and being an only child weren't too hard to deal with, but the feeling of loneliness was always present.

My entire life (birth unto now) I've always been in church. If it wasn't Baptist or Methodist or Catholic it was Greek Orthodox. My adopted father was an Orthodox Priest, so I not only have heard the story of Jesus all my life, I had a chance to worship with someone about it.

Anyone who's anyone can tell you there is a difference between knowing the story and believing it.

Well I was always into doing something for others, and decided to take it upon myself to become a spy for my dad. I had some friends who were into worshiping Satan and figured it would be nice to get some information, bring it to my dad, just like a spy.

Well Satan don't play any games, but he made me think of it as a game. Over time (maybe just a few months) I started to forget why I was involved because there was so much fun as well as the conflicting information they gave me that Satan was honestly misunderstood and he was truly no more than the other half of God.

We helped people cross streets, assisted people with moving things and even took it upon ourselves to be a form of revenge to those who were beaten or taken advantage of. We were the "good guys" and called ourselves "The Cavilers."

God was taking me through a learning process I had no idea about at the time. After about a year and a half to two years I was about to learn some higher secrets of the group including some 'spells' to cast and even accepted into recruitment to wear the robes of the 'high priest' and read from our 'bible'. That's when I believe The Holy Spirit took over and caused me to make a statement that I wanted to hitch-hike around the country, find other churches and maybe bring something back to help "The Cavilers" grow.

I managed to get to Kingman, Arizona in the desert. I was hungry so looked for a place to ask for some food since I had no more money. In front of a convenience store a rather tall man named Dan overheard me asking someone for some change to get a sandwich. He asked me if I liked spaghetti, and of course I do, so I said yes. He took me to his home and I had my fill of the wondrous meal!

After about an hour of chess games, minor chit-chat and the occasional Bible talk he asked me if I liked strawberry shortcake. Well of course I do, so I said yes! What I didn't know was this shortcake was actually at their church!

So after a healthy diet from the Word of God and a long awaited acceptance of My Lord and Savior after the sermon was over I ended up with the SWEETEST thing in the world! No, the shortcake WAS sweet and VERY good, but I'm talking about the sweet taste of Jesus!

Oh to meet Jesus in the most driest, barren part of your life is the greatest thing in the world to me! I've been soaking in the Warm Flowing Waters of Life now for just over 31 years. I wish I could forget half of what I remember from those Satan worshiping days and really wish the other half wasn't as bad as the first, but I won't change a thing. God knew what He was doing, knows what He is doing, and has a better idea of what He's going to do than I do!

I trust Him over myself ANY day! Having said that, please note that there are many details left out of that story so if you have any questions please ask, I am not ashamed! (And I promise I won't be embarrassed either!)
