Temp Links to Policies

Class leaders are not:

•Officers (Although an officer maybe a Class Lead)
Things for Oddbob to throw sticks at
•Gear vendors
So lame...

so so lame...

I am dissapointed.
Serious question...

What does the "Communication Officer" do?


The correct answer is: "Responsible for communicating all major events and key announcements to the guild and ensure that raid leaders, for example, are not scheduling over each other. In charge of the Outreach Officers and Bank Officer."

Its 3-something AM, and I have given myself the right to act dumb.

continue on.
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25 Man Loot
All 25 man loot (Trash Dropped or Boss Dropped is tracked by the officers in an Excel Sheet that will be made available to all members) will be decided by the Loot Council, This will help ensure loot is not given out to one person and is spread out equally as the Loot Council sees to best help Redeemed's Raiding progression.

How Loot Council works: Boss is downed and items dropped are announced. (All Tier Items are done first) Everyone that would like the item says so in Raid Chat, officers confirm names and the Loot council and Officers discus the members who would like the item. Suggestions are made and then the Loot Council chooses and the winner is announced.

Upgrading Items with Epics: In most circumstances the officers will not allow the upgrade of a green to an Epic from a 25 man raid instance.

In the past the Loot Counsel has taken lots of time to distribute loot to deserving people, but often times it has taken a great amount of time to do so. I am not sure how the loot is distributed, I hope it isn't a /random roll too often, but can there be a time limit on this? Later on it may prove to save us time, Ie, from Gruul to VR.
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BoP Mats (ie. Nether Vortex)
Currently there are only a couple drops that fall into this category, but these will be handed out to those that can use them and is required that they are used to create an item for the guild. At no time are members allowed to use BoP mats earned in a Redeemed raid for personal gain.
Another issue I see is the Nether Vorticies. In the past they were given to Quantam (Mordos was mostly MIA...blame IRL), but he no longer actively raids. In the future, will the vorticies still be given to only one person?

You cant save some up to make something for yourself, even if your raid attendance is stellar? Wouldn't that be in the guilds favor?

Sorry for the quadruple post, but... I'm just calling them as I see them :D
Serious question...

What does the "Communication Officer" do?


The correct answer is: "Responsible for communicating all major events and key announcements to the guild and ensure that raid leaders, for example, are not scheduling over each other. In charge of the Outreach Officers and Bank Officer."

Its 3-something AM, and I have given myself the right to act dumb.

continue on.

what's that mr volunteer?
I am more than happy to help if it is needed.

No I'm not shocked at all, I thought that was you... but sticks?
In the past the Loot Counsel has taken lots of time to distribute loot to deserving people, but often times it has taken a great amount of time to do so. I am not sure how the loot is distributed, I hope it isn't a /random roll too often, but can there be a time limit on this? Later on it may prove to save us time, Ie, from Gruul to VR.

i'm sure we can cap the time we spend yapping, but we go through a number of things when deciding who can roll such as eligibility (i.e. have they been on enough attempts to roll), differences in gear (e.g. is the piece they're upgrading green), loot history and so forth
Another issue I see is the Nether Vorticies. In the past they were given to Quantam (Mordos was mostly MIA...blame IRL), but he no longer actively raids. In the future, will the vorticies still be given to only one person?

You cant save some up to make something for yourself, even if your raid attendance is stellar? Wouldn't that be in the guilds favor?

Sorry for the quadruple post, but... I'm just calling them as I see them :D

without having the pattern, no it wouldn't be

... but these will be handed out to those that can use them ...

so if you have a pattern, you're eligible to receive a nether, with the expectation that they go to creating items for guild members before they are used to craft items for the AH
Mybae, but I don't forsee use ever getting to that point... with the contant flow of new members and alts, I say we keep it in the guild, not like we need money/