Tell me about Redeemed WOW


New Member
Getting the itch to play wow agian I miss the PVE instances and raids and am thinking about making my account active again and would like a little info about redeemed's wow side. I dont mean what the folks over there are like am sure there great I would like to know how many people were in the guild last you knew and How far into the raiding teir they got in BC. I dont have the time because of work to be a hardcore raider but I would like to be in a group of like minded people who wants to progress. The christian guild I was in before we raidied and I enjoyed it but I sat in Kara two nights a week for nine months trying to get 25 people geared to move on But not enough would stick with it so we dident get much farther.Another problem that came up all the time was there was always a few that said we could not be a christian guild and raid, it was messing up the guild and it always started trouble and for the life of me I can not see How?Does any of that go on over there? My mains horde not sure if redeemed is both factions but I have a few mid level allaince toons I could bring over and Level up if not. Not sure if I want to pay to play 2 games at this time but was something I was thinking about to day. been a week or two scince I been on I needed a break should be on soon hope every one is doing well. God bless!
Remeeded - WoW currently has 2 days of 25 man raiding. Typically it can be Gruuls Lair, Mag, or Void Reaver. We are able to regularly down the first boss in Mount Hyjal as well. 2 other days a week, we run a couple of Kara teams, and on Wednesday we try and have a ZA run going.

Redeemed is only an alliance based group on the stonemaul - US server. Although there is the Mustard Seed Conspiracy on the horde side on Blades Edge Mountain.

Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions.
There are a lot of Redeemed WoWers that also play Warhammer, so you might get biased info.

1. Kara is going to be casual now
2. 10 man focus seems to be moving to ZA - Better gear then Kara, equal badges over the week due to 3 day reset of ZA
3. 2 days of 25 man raids scheduled, Friday and Monday. There is no hard requirement for commitment. If you want to join and can only stay for a few hours, that awesome, better then calling the raid for lack of attendance.
4. Farmed content is first boss in all 25 man content except BT and Sunwell. We just downed Anetheron on Monday for the first time. It was a hoot.
5. When the expansion rolls out, there will be less focus on raiding, more focus on the new content.