I say I'm on HotS media blackout until the expansion drops to $30 or less (and will probably hold out for $20 or less). There are far too many great games on my backlog already to pay $40 for an expansion pack, regardless whether Blizzard calls it that or not.
EDIT: Plus I may not be buying any software at all for a while, instead saving the money for a few upgrades (like a Blu-ray burner, a new case, and a 1TB SATA drive) for my new-to-me PC.
EDIT#2: But for those who don't suffer from (enjoy?) gaming ADD and have a larger budget for games than I do, I wish you and your Swarm the best!
But at this point, I don't know if I'm willing to pay $40 to be un-disappointed, especially when my main gripes about Zerg were specific to beginner-level and intermediate-level play. I've read that Zerg hold their own or even have an advantage over Terran and Protoss at a professional level, but I don't have that much time to invest in improving my games, yet I still don't have the heart to switch to Protoss.