
New Member
If you are on my team please send me a PM, email or an ingame mail with the following info: My email = peanuht @ hamilton . net

Toon name:
Email address:
Phone Number (Opitional):
- Rules when calling (ie. not after a certin time.)
Real Life Name (I'm not asking for your toon name when I call):
Preferance of Raid time (Time and Days):

Why you ask? Cause I will be posting days and times of raids via email and use email to tlak about somethings that I don't want a ton of spam taking over.

No, I normally go by Really names over Game names... with a couple exceptions. Reco for one, cause I like Reeeeco Sauuuve. LOL... and Doc, but he's a real Doc.
No, I normally go by Really names over Game names... with a couple exceptions. Reco for one, cause I like Reeeeco Sauuuve. LOL... and Doc, but he's a real Doc.

Add in that I am Doc's Son and I call him Doc more than I call him dad. Go figure.
not sure if you heard me on vent last night and I know you didnt get my post on the other forums since I cant post there but Lara and I are going to mom's for dinner, I may be home close to 6 ST but she has a game to go to
.... Or I could come home at 6st and my cable could be out all night and the first time I get back online is 6am:P
Doh, it's cool, no tank drops last night. Dropped Shade, Illhoof, Nighbane. All Team 3 firsts.
seems to be a tank drop shortage recently:P I have gotten more healing items than tanking items from kara in the last month or more hehe, although the dmg shield was pretty nice for a pally tank:) I am still looking for 8 tank drops and would also like the pally cloak(+holy dmg) and an engineering schem:P
meh... i have no tanking items from kara... the neck that drops from maiden is actually worse than the 25-badges neck. and giving me dps gear should only happen when no other dpser need the same thing, otherwise it would be a waste since i don't get to dps as much, plus cat dps sucks.
yea, thats why im saying i dont have tanking gear from kara, the cloak was about the only thing i can use for tanking.
i listed the gears i need from kara, but half of them are for dps, only the T4 and items with mass dex, for ex: shoulder and gloves(for dodge) has some tanking values in there.
I need lots still from Kara:(

Pocket watch and belt from Moroes, neck from maiden, legs and t4 gloves from curator, cloak from illhoof, ring from shade, BP from nightbane(still hasnt ropped for the guild) and I would like to get that holy dmg cloak from trash and the +crit scope schematic from attunemen hehe
good thing my gear list from kara as far as tanking gear goes doesnt conflict with where. and we just cleared kara last night as team 3, correct? that would be a first for team 3 since we started.