New Member
I am thinking about playing one of the tanking classes just because am not all that good at PvP or RVR if you will, and I think the tank will give me a little bit of breathing room. I have played and fought against them and man they are a pain to kill. Almost seems to me a little to hard to kill.I know no one has a crystal ball but do you think they will be getting a nerf or are they where they should be in you opinion?Also I am a hunter In real life so I also feel very at home with a rifle in my hand so the engineer was a blast to. Decisions Decisions! Not looking for anyone to tell me what class to play just looking for peoples Ideas on the future of tanks in RvR will be? And why you are playing the class your starting with? I played way to many alts in my last MMO and I am just going to pick One class on each side this time and play them to lvl cap before I ever even think about an alt so I need to make up my Mind soon
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