Tanks Die Hard


New Member
I am thinking about playing one of the tanking classes just because am not all that good at PvP or RVR if you will, and I think the tank will give me a little bit of breathing room. I have played and fought against them and man they are a pain to kill. Almost seems to me a little to hard to kill.I know no one has a crystal ball but do you think they will be getting a nerf or are they where they should be in you opinion?Also I am a hunter In real life so I also feel very at home with a rifle in my hand so the engineer was a blast to. Decisions Decisions! Not looking for anyone to tell me what class to play just looking for peoples Ideas on the future of tanks in RvR will be? And why you are playing the class your starting with? I played way to many alts in my last MMO and I am just going to pick One class on each side this time and play them to lvl cap before I ever even think about an alt so I need to make up my Mind soon:confused:.
Spam AWAY!

I wouldn't expect a nerf too soon, they've done a great job balancing the classes. And what alot of people who cry nerf don't realize, is they designed it to be group vs group, so while solo it's hard to bring a tank down, focus fire him and he drops like a rock :)

Personally I'm like you, the Ironbreaker is an amazing class, but the engineer was just so much fun. I need to hurry up and decide though since CE starts in a few hours lol.

And on a side note just wanted to say hello, new to the forums, found my way here thru my new guild Lions of Judah, then Redeemed, then here lol :)

Looking forward to meeting people ingame!
I found this on a forum being asked and it sums up a little better about how am thinking/feeling.

Quoted (because he/she said it better than I)

""Hey guys. I've only had experience in the first two tiers of Warhammer, and I'm trying to get a grasp of how things play out later on.

Right now it seems that tanks and healers are really all you need to be successfull in almost any RvR/PvP situation. Tanks with 2-handers are topping the DPS charts in scenarios, and they're hard to kill, even without a shield, because of how much raw health they have.

It just seems that the tradeoff for playing a pure DPS class is not worth it. I'd rather do slightly less damage as a tank and live four times as long.

If the RvR balance in tier4 is anything like it is now, I don't see any reason to roll a non-tank class unless you're making a healer. I've already heard that a number of top PvP guilds from DOAC and other MMOs are starting out with 80/20 tank/healer split RvR groups. This makes me sad.

Does this change later on? Do the DPS classes come into their own?""
Naw, this won't last. Either DPS classes will learn how to play well enough to take down tanks or the classes will be adjusted to rebalance the game.
the very last patch had a fairly hefty nerf to tank damage. The devs pointed out the same thing that you saw...tanks doing as much dmg as meleedps. There was much crying in the beta forums over the nerf but honestly it was needed.

I can definitely see where a WH stealth squad flanking from the sides and taking out key targets (healers) will be very important and something a tank cannot do.

It is also way to early to have any idea of how classes will be tuned. There will be a slew of buff/nerfs over the first few months of launch and I would think that making all classes viable will remain as their top objective. So do not worry, play what you think will be the most fun and trust that our guild will never leave you out because your class is not desired. (now obviously 6-man instances need a set class config, but for large scale RvR we will take all our brothers and sisters together)
My opinion, tanks are too hard to kill. I've gone up against them as ranged and melee dps and have found it well nigh impossible to kill them. If they have a dedicated healer, forget about it.

There will undoubtably be nerfs/buffs to the classes; just pick what seems to fit your play style and ride the wave. I'm going Engineer, then Archmage, then probably one of everything else.
YOu should die 2 v 1.

We also don't have all our tank stoppage tricks in the first two tiers. Classes roots and snares really pick up in T3&4.
Both the Ironbreaker and the Engineer are a blast to play. It will really depend on personal playstyle really. Whether you sit back and pick stuff off from the back or if you like being upfront in the action. Either class can die pretty fast without a good healer paying attention.

Also, welcome to the boards Tath. Was good doing a lil bit of RvR with you yesterday with my dwarf Engi Abram.

Also if you like MDPS, the White Lion has medium armor and dishes out a lot of damage. I found if a tank puts guard on them and they work in tandem, then they become monsters. Did that in Beta with a buddy who played the White Lion. It took Destruction quite a few hits to kill him and I ran around with 100 Grudge most of the fight because of him.
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