Tanking in PVP


New Member
So I just read that tanks will actually be viable in PVP, as they will be capable of mitigating team damage and even taunt other players (which results in debuffing that players damage to anyone but the tank).

I'm huge on pvp and have always played a warrior in past MMO's because I also loved tanking. This resulted in me spending a ton of cash to respec constantly when I played WOW.

I've been wanting to roll agent-sniper so I could enjoy PVP more, but if I can actually be viable in PVP as a tank, I might very well try a sith warrior-juggernaut.

Our roster shows quite a few Sith Warriors, but who thinks they will go as Marauders over Juggernauts?
When I play a warrior I'll definitely be going Juggernaut over Marauder, but I'm still considering what my first class will be. I listed myself as an Inquisitor on the site, but if a tank spec is viable in PvP then I might be more likely to try a warrior first. I'll probably either stick with the inquisitor or go Imperial Agent if it continues to look like we are going to have an abundance of warriors, though.
All I can say is, Jugg really feels solid as a tank spec, so far. I usually prefer healers and DPS and have usually steered clear of tanks. But I love that class and as an alt, will definitely take a SW Juggernaut for pvp tanking.
As many people in Redeemed (our WOW chapter) could tell you, tanking tends to be my favorite role in an MMO. That said, I've typically liked the ranged casters best in other Bioware RPGs... and snipers are my favorite in FPS games... so I'm kind of juggling three class choices right now, lol. It sounds like I'll be getting another chance to try TOR during a future beta weekend, so I'll try out the Warrior and see how I like it. During the first beta weekend I played mostly a Sith Sorcerer and also some Agent, but the sorcerer was the only class I played far enough along to say that I'm pretty sure I'll like it.
to me Jugg/Guard felt good in PvE but stunk in PvP last build. Waiting to see how they are in the next build.

The one class I enjoyed was the trooper. I could tank and stay long range!!

There is a God and He loves me!!:D:D:D
Yeah melee in general was like hitting with a wet noodle last build. I really hope they fix that cause it seemed like pvp was "the team with the least melee wins"

I agree that range tank is pretty win.
They had a similar sounding pvp taunt mechanism in warhammer online and it was kindy clunky to me. I'm planning to roll a marauder.
Yeah that taunt in WAR was cool on paper but in reality no one paid any attention and just burned through the debuff.

I pefer melee dps in mmos so I am hoping this next build gives some love to them.
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