Taking a Break

Daralis Halo

New Member
Upon my departure early morning on Friday, I will be on my way on my second year of college. After praying alot and being badgered by my parents (Although they mean well), my subscription will be canceled at the end of the pay period this month of August (Around the 23rd).

Having to juggle Organic Chem., Physics, and some hard electives - I will not have the time, or need the temptation, to play WoW. Plus I have apartment dues every month now too (Ack, im growing up).

With all this said, I am taking a break for financial and "personal" (grades) reasons. It has nothing to do with the guild. This summer I have enjoyed the fellowship and fun times I have had with you all. I have declared Redeemed my online family. Thus, I will always remeber you guys even though it was an online game.

Does this mean im gone forever?
No! After hearing that my "character" never gets deleted, all I have to do is reactivate my account once I have free time and a solid ground to stand on.

I'll try to keep in touch on the forums,
although I know most of the guild does not post on it : )

Until then, I shall see you all online until late August.
May God work in all of our lives and I thank Him that
He blessed me with the members of Redeemed, and
a game that I enjoy with them (you).

With my love,
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Good choices Darilis, they are hard to make and we will miss you. However, We as a family are proud to see you making wise choices.