Takin a break


New Member
Due to personal issues, I will be taking a break from wow, It has been lots of fun playing with you guys and gals, I am not deleting my characters as of yet, but I will be stopping payments to get things in order in my life,
Please pray for me, my wife and my 2 girls....

In christ,
With God in your life, your family is next most important. Never neglect them. May God fill you with his peace and love, may your love for your wife and children grow more each day with God filling you up. God grant you the strength and wisdom to meet your challenges. Be loving, caring and peaceful in life. :)
I appreciate your prayers and concerns, and Kit kat bars,
well here is the plan so far, my wife and I are considering after a 2 week breather from wow that she would try a trial account, and after that we would determine wether I would be done for good or come back in double strength with wifey in tow :)
We will see.... if not we may have to get american idol kaereoke (sp?) or something we both can enjoy, I will keep everyone informed.

Grace and Peace