Switch to redeemed ?


New Member
Hi all. Just wondering if Redeemed will consider a 70 Gnome Rogue app. I would have to switch from a PvE server to your server (PvP..a new one for me) but the thought of ever being able to play and maybe one day raid with a Christian guild is very exciting. Anyway, Nijole on Suramar. Looked on the forums but I cant see where your application process is explained. I havent fully decided quite yet but I am praying about it. Thanks for your consideration.

Jeff (Nijole the Rogue)
Hi Nijole, I see your posts got mod queued.

Bad new first, you can't transfer your toons from PvE to PvP. :(
Good news, levelling on a PvP server is pretty simple. Every once in awhile you would have to deal being Ganked in neutral zones, stay away from Stranglethorn Vale (STV). Gank city. Today its the alliance, tomorrow the horde.

I'm also bumping in hopes that somebody will help you with the application process.
Nijole, to apply for Redeemed, go to www.toj.cc and there is a link in the upper left hand side for a application form. You can fill that out. Usually takes about 24 hours to hear back. Even if you can't move you toons over, you can start a new one with us (-: !

We are part of the Tribe of Judah or TOJ, all the information about them is at www.toj.cc. Also, our own Redeemed website can be found at www.redeemedonstonemaul.org though our application process goes through the Tribe of Judah.
you're wrong :)

the reasoning being that it's more difficult to level on a PvP server due to oh...let's just say, southshore, so while PvP can go to PvE, it doesn't work the other way around.
if it did I would level my alts on a PVE and bring em to stonemaul when they were 70:p STV has good quests but it takes 5 times as long on the wrong night with too many horde around hehe
Yeah, I just looked it up... sorry man, however, if there is a free character transfer from PvE to PvP (Blizzard said not likely but possible) then you can do it...
You can get a char to 70 pretty quickly with a leveling guide.

May wanna look into that.
I use light headed, never heard of tomtom but from the name I can imagine what its like hehe