Supreme Commander


Active Member
Okay so I picked it up yesterday, but I really haven't had a chance to do alot with it, but from what I can see it is intense in the whole maintain resources and such, which is fine with me cause I love Civ IV and Galactic II (Turn based games). I like the whole robot structured idea which is pretty interesting, but the units seem to all have the same "names" just with different skins. Odd, but maybe the expansion will add some more "depth" to it.
I also play Supreme Commander. I go by Freedom Knight, and mainly play as the Cybran Nation. I mostly play the expansion, Forged Alliance, now. It adds a lot of depth to the original game, and is (in my opinion, anyway) more fun and enjoyable. It is a purchase that I definitely recommend. Its campaign is also more fast-paced, which I like. For me, the original campaign was a bit too slow to get started. Anyway, if you run into me, give a shout out.

"It needs... cannons. Lots and lots of cannons. And spikes wouldn't be a bad idea, either."
- Cybran technician working on the Soul Ripper gunship.
One super cool thing about this game is that it takes advantage of dual monitors. You can have this crazy detailed tactical map on one screen and the main game on the other.
One super cool thing about this game is that it takes advantage of dual monitors. You can have this crazy detailed tactical map on one screen and the main game on the other.
That is such a cool feature.

If Starcraft 2 supports that, I'll need to buy 2 widescreen flat panel LCDs instead of one when I build my next desktop gaming rig.
When I first read about Supreme Commander it made me sad at how my PC will never run it. And also about how bad I am at strategy games. Rise of Nations is about as hardcore as I can handle. Oh and Warcraft 2 and 3.
The most fun I have with strategy games is building up a huge army then destroying it all in a horrific way. CnC3 is my favorite one so far. Nothing like 400+ units being blown up by a superweapon :p
There was something in C&C Generals that shot green goo I think. Like the bio rifle in Unreal Tourny. I think it was in Generals anyway. Always made me want to play Mario Sunshine, seeing that stuff. Weird.
The most fun I have with strategy games is building up a huge army then destroying it all in a horrific way. CnC3 is my favorite one so far. Nothing like 400+ units being blown up by a superweapon :p

CnC3 lets you target your own army with the superweapons? :eek:
In Supreme Commander, you can nuke your own base if you so desire. Or, you can even draw on the screen with nuke launchers, and they will stay together like that in flight if they are launched simultaneously.

For example, I could create nuke launchers in a pattern that read "I Win n00b!"
And the nuke icons on the tactical view (that follow the missile's flight) would cluster so that they formed those words as they moved steadily towards his base. Though, such a setup could require several hours and almost complete military and economic domination of your opponent, under which circumstances you could have easily defeated him many times over.

Still, if you have the time, it is very fun to watch. :D