Sunday Afternoon Fishing in STV


New Member
I would like to send out a HUGE "THANK YOU" to everyone who joined in the pvp fun last Sunday afternoon!! An alliance angler won the prized +35 fishing pole!! Horde almost always win it...

I invite all guild anglers and welcome any that enjoy pvp to join us again this Sunday at 2 PM server.

The goal is to put that +35 fishing pole into the hands of a Redeemed angler.

There are no level restrictions for this event.

Google "master angler" if you are interested in winning the fishing pole.

or navigate to:

Thanks again to everyone who turned out to help last Sunday. I never dreamed that many guildies would come help:)

God Bless
It was a blast and I am willing to make it an every Sunday thing! If I get lucky and get a pole sometime, so what! It is one of the best times I have had...hehe Then owning that little horde town for a bit - what a blast! And doing it with beloved guildies: PRICELESS!
Yea that was a lot of fun. We had like 13 people come out. There definitely is some fun pvp that's for sure. Any level is welcome to come. You don't have to be 80. If we have a warlock again, we will summon peeps again also.

I won that derby once. Was a blast, nothing easy about it. If I'm ujpto it, I'll come by. Seeing as I'm not impressed with Blizzards' pvp model right now, it would take a near miracle. But, if I am upto it, I will come by.
Thanks to all who showed up again and for the first time this week!!! We had 3 full groups and... WOOHOO!! Redeemed angler **Reco** won the prized pole:) Grats Reco, and thanks again to everyone who came out. It was a lot of fun.

I think you need about 220 fishing skill to participate.

All Redeemed anglers are welcome to come out and try for the +35 fishing pole. The more Redeemed lines that are in the water, the more likely it is that another member of Redeemed will win!

Thanks Again and God Bless,
