Stress Test Aug. 10

These are more prep test to see how their servers fare under the load of "everyone" logging in at once. They can assign a percentage of prepurchasers who would log in immediately, as well as over the next several hours, and use that as a baseline to simulate during these stress tests.

They want to avoid the connection issues that make for bad PR like Blizzard had with diablo3, and this style of test is the best way to prep for that.
Just look for Fuzzy Bookah kicking butt and taking names........if you look on the map it will be anywhere you see two swords together or if you see a bunch of the enemy running away like scared dogs!!!!
Right now we're on Emhry Bay from BWE3. I'm going to look into changing over to Sanctum of Rall just to get to know the community and play with them before release, but that is just personally and I don't expect anyone to follow me. However, if we get enough people together for WvW I'll definitely stay on Ebay and conquer the Mists with my fellow guildies!

If you're going to be picking a server for this stress test, pick Ehmry Bay so you can be with the guild. But remember for release/head-start we will be on Sanctum of Rall.
Right now we're on Emhry Bay from BWE3. I'm going to look into changing over to Sanctum of Rall just to get to know the community and play with them before release, but that is just personally and I don't expect anyone to follow me. However, if we get enough people together for WvW I'll definitely stay on Ebay and conquer the Mists with my fellow guildies!

If you're going to be picking a server for this stress test, pick Ehmry Bay so you can be with the guild. But remember for release/head-start we will be on Sanctum of Rall.

Okay thanks, ill be on Ehmry today then so we can own up some WvW, i'll also try to be in mumble as well. But yeah SoR on the 25th, here i come ;) Thanks again guys
STC, there were several of us in mumble yesterday afternoon in WvW. Join us if you see us out there. We managed to take a keep or two (with help) and activate several Quaggan camps. Then we ran off on our own to explore the skill points and vistas in the snowy areas.
Yea yea! I like to be in Eternal Battlegrounds if I can, but I'll try and find you guys if you're in WvW at all.
Hey, yea it's password protected.Here's the Mumble thread on how to insert a password.

Password is r0m4nZ12:19
Thanks bud, well that was fun while it lasted! I'm sure they'll have 1 or 2 more stress tests between now and launch to ensure its all fixed.
Gah!! So much fun! WvW like no one's business! Got a small group of LoE together and took supply camps, towers, NPC camps, and Sentries and lots of dying in the courtyard of Stonemist. It's official. I am in love with WvW.