Strange encounter...


Active Member
About a year ago i receved a very strange send to me and i dunno why i didnt post about it but here it is:

Icconoly sends, "?"

You send. "yes hello?"

Icconoly sends, "Im so alone."

You send, "do you need help?"

Icconoly sends, "I'm not disturbing you am I?"

You send, "no"

Icconoly sends, "Oh wait. You're Trinity. I ain't supposed ta be talkin to ya."

You send, "why is that?"

Icconoly sends, "Do youse believe in God and Christ and stuff?"

You send, "what do you believe in?"

Icconoly sends, "hold on. gotta chech somthing. brb"

You send, "ok"

Icconoly sends, "I'm sorry I cant do this."

You send, "i will talk to you about God if you have a question about it, but if you dont want to that is fine

Icconoly sends, "it's not what you think, but i admire you're passion"

(i give him my mains name and the web address to in case hees curious)

Icconoly sends, "Yes. I know Odale and Tylwith and Roenry. They're all my close friends.

( i say that he can talk to anyone of them, and that they will be more than welcome to talk to him)

he later explained that he wanted to role play a dark character to try to destroy the trinity. but his heart would not let him. and apologizes for confusing me.

Has this ever happened to anyone else by the same person mabye? I think he was a lvl 5 or so cabalist. I cannot remember and i have a screen shot.

I hope i did the right thing and ended up being very confused...
God will sometimes bring storms and allow conflict to enter our lives.  But this is not to hurt us or intimidate us.  It is to help us develop our strengths and our spiritual gifts.  What better way to strengthen your faith than to have it challenged and, in the end, proven correct?

I was Icconoly, the Icconu necromancer.  I wanted to roleplay a character that would challenge our guildmembers to strengthen their faith and to practice their witnessing skills.  But I was afraid.  I was afraid that had I continued, I might have actually hurt some people's walk with God and may have even convinced the weaker Christians to try darker paths.

The other reason I wanted to do this was to give the Trinity, the body of Christ, a chance to practice defending their members from corruptive teachings and to help each other in dealing with such evils.  But at the time, the trinity wasn't really organized, but just people playing for fun.  So again, I did not want to take the chance and hurt anyone emotionally or spiritually.

So my apologies for the confusion.  But you did well.  At least you know what you would do should something wierd like this happen. Besides, having never given the opportunity to witness to the lost, at least in a way that they want to receive it, I had no idea what their side felt like. So I wanted to give it a try and see. Maybe if you want, we can try various exercises in the future and practice our witnessing tools. I know that God will sometimes provide the words we need, but He will also help to train us up so that we know the words. Perhaps this is a good chance to do so. Anybody interested?
I remember seeing on the Catacombs boards almost a year ago about a person who was looking for a Christian Guild on Percival or wanted to make one. As what would be expected, half wanted him to go for it and half said that it was a bad idea.

A couple people reccomended "The Knights of the Trinity" saying how they were a Christian guild
, including me. One person wrote a very long post talking about how if he ever got the chance he would "pretend to be a Christian and destroy the guild"
. After his last post I remember seeing a ton of negative reactions posted by even non-believers saying "that he needed to grow up and how his parents did a horrible job in raising him".

Many people who were interested in a Christian guild as well also posted, I tryed to get in touch with them but no luck.

As for somebody messaging me in a conversation similar to yours I haven't had only people asking me if KoT was a Christian guild.
I think I did make a single post on the VN boards last year about infiltrating and destroying the Trinity. But I did it in a role playing way, started my own thread, and it wasn't very long at all. Never got any comments and I was hoping to role play with some Trinity members. But it never went anywhere and I never got any replies. It was a spin-off idea from my former guild, Forces of Light and their opposing guild, Forces of Darkness. They were heavily into role playing and always having fun with the conflict.

Isn't it strange that the strangest characters we meet is each other? I guess it just goes to show you that God can love anybody.