Stormshroud Armor


New Member
Hey all!

As my rogue draws closer and closer to level 60, I like
to look ahead at my armor options. One good set of armor
for 50s rogues is the Stormshroud Armor set, consisting
of chest, legs, and shoulder pieces. Even better, these
can be made by Elemental Leatherworkers. Hi, Tc! You're
my new best friend. I would really really love to have
these as soon as I can wear them. I will of course help
you out as much as possible to get the stuff for these.

Talked to John, and he says that once he gets Friendly
faction with the Timbermaw, he can get a water to air
transmute recipe, which definitely makes this armor easy
to make. Essence of Water is easy to get - Essence of Air
is a royal pain in the butt.

Once you have the patterns, Tc, you will need the
following materials:
- 44x Rugged Leather
- 8x Essence of Water
- 8x Essence of Air
- 1x Cured Rugged Hide
- 2x Enchanted Leather
- 3x Rune Thread

I know that a lot of these things are a bit difficult to
get, but I will do what I can to help. I can definitely
farm the 16 Essence of Water that are needed.

lol, yes. My apologies Tc, I didn't mean to come across as demanding.
I really want this stuff, but I will do everything I can to supply you with the materials.
The leather is going to be a tad hard to get tho ;)

Anyway, I have another 10 levels to go before I can use it.
Since I only come here when the server is down I can't look at TC and tell you exactly which one I still need but I think it is the Stormshroud Shoulders. The pants and armor patterns I have if memory serves, which it might not. I also keep an eye out for the materials, like when somone puts them in AH for a fraction of what they normally cost. Then I grab them and tuck them in the bank for later use. I'm on TC half the time now and my new warrior Galatia, the name of course being from Galations. Anyhow do holler if I can ever be of assistance.