Steam summer sale is happening now


Don't forget to click on the summer adventure map and join a team so you can win games off your wishlist!

Damage so far
Joe Danger (1, not 2)
It won't let me edit my post for some reason.
Picked up They Breathe as well

(On a gaming fast for all of June and possibly July.... /me shakes fist at Steam)
BattleBlock Theater is the first game I'm thinking of picking up.

I read the first paragraph of sale event news (something about crafting badges), then closed the browser tab and walked away. Ain't nobody got time for that.

I'll still be checking sales daily and checking flash sales when I think of it (which, so far, has been twice).
Yea... No one has time for free money or games.
I don't have time to play the games I own, so spending free time to earn a chance to get a free game instead of playing a game I already own isn't terribly appealing.

But for those who have been more disciplined than I've been when past Steam sales came around (and thus have a less humongous backlog), I can definitely see how that would be appealing.
I generally leave the Steam dealings to Bird of Pray, he gets all my cards. Mmmmm free money sounds good but Gerbil is too lazy already and more games would only make me more so.
Battleblock Theater looks AMAZINGLY fun! Made by the guys who did Castle Crashers & Alien Hominid. Dbl pack for a reduced price. Definitely picking this up

I have been better than I usually am during sales and only picked up Betrayer for $3.99.

Planning to pick up Enslaved, Gray Matter, Battleblock, Shadowrun Dragonfall (if they do an encore at the flash sale price), and a few of those ~$1-ish games like One Way Heroics, Urban Trial Freestyle, Marlow Briggs, Diehard Dungeon, etc.
I don't have time to play the games I own, so spending free time to earn a chance to get a free game instead of playing a game I already own isn't terribly appealing.

But spending less than 5 minutes a day of free time does make it possible to earn money to buy games or win games that you can then give away.

I've got more than 180 games on my steam account. Most of them I've only started up before going to bed and left running overnight to get the cards they drop. Sold the cards at the start of the Summer sale and I've made over $30. I've made almost $5 on steam summer cards so far with just two accounts voting.

Almost everyone here looks up to you and some even idolize you. Think of what it would mean to someone to get a free game from you.... And all you'd have to do is invest 5 minutes a day of your free time.
But spending less than 5 minutes a day of free time does make it possible to earn money to buy games or win games that you can then give away.

I've got more than 180 games on my steam account. Most of them I've only started up before going to bed and left running overnight to get the cards they drop. Sold the cards at the start of the Summer sale and I've made over $30. I've made almost $5 on steam summer cards so far with just two accounts voting.

Almost everyone here looks up to you and some even idolize you. Think of what it would mean to someone to get a free game from you.... And all you'd have to do is invest 5 minutes a day of your free time.

It is a great point, cards can be earned with idle games in the launcher and the money they sell for is great. $20-$30 in steam monies should be very easy to attain if you don't want to keep the trading cards.
But spending less than 5 minutes a day of free time does make it possible to earn money to buy games or win games that you can then give away.

I've got more than 180 games on my steam account. Most of them I've only started up before going to bed and left running overnight to get the cards they drop. Sold the cards at the start of the Summer sale and I've made over $30. I've made almost $5 on steam summer cards so far with just two accounts voting.
I was thinking solely of the voting/crafting involved in the Steam summer sale and how disinterested I am in jumping through the usual Steam hoops to get virtual "stuff." It's probably not as troublesome as I imagine it to be, but it's still time that I could be spending in-game.

The trading card system has never interested in me and struck me as just one more distraction from actually playing games since Valve first introduced it. But I understand I'm in the minority and I hope everyone who enjoys trading continues to do so. I remember when I was excited about trading TF2 items and I don't mean to dissuade anyone from that excitement. I'm just not feelin' it any more. It comes down to personal preference, that's all.

Almost everyone here looks up to you and some even idolize you. Think of what it would mean to someone to get a free game from you.... And all you'd have to do is invest 5 minutes a day of your free time.
Man, right in the feels. :p

It's a sobering thought that anyone would look up to me and I doubt anyone idolizes me (especially having to live in my own head and knowing all my flaws), but I don't doubt you make a good point. I'm still not interested in learning the ways of the trading cards, but I do have some spare Steam keys that I've been meaning to give out. The challenge is remembering to do so when I have the time as my short term memory is, well, not good.

One of these days...

Back on the topic of Steam sales: I cracked and bought Battleblock Theater while it was on sale for $2.49 in a bundle with Castle Crashers.

I'm considering buying Rogue Legacy since it's $3.74 right now, but I'll probably just wait until it's in a Humble Bundle or something similar.
Bought Steamworld Dig on the flash sale.
The damages so far:

Splinter Cell: Blacklist + Homeland DLC - $7.49 + $1.75-ish
Enslaved Premium Edition - $4.99
Gray Matter - $3.99
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes + DLC - $4.99 + $2.99-ish?
Payday: The Heist - $1.49
Battleblock Theater - $2.49
One Way Heroics - $.87
Urban Trial Freestyle - $.99
Marlow Briggs - $.99
Magic 2014 Sealed Slots 3-5 - $.75
Betrayer - $3.99
Total so far: ~$38

Hanging in there for a Shadowrun Dragonfall Xpack price drop to $5.99. Might pick up the new Bloodrayne platformer. The Golf Club doesn't look like it will drop to a comfortable level for me this sale, and Snow still has no audio at all for it's Early Release, or I would have picked it up. Diehard Dungeon looks good for $1.69, but I am nearing my budget I set aside for this sale....gonna hold out. Ultimate General: Gettysburg looks really fun, but no discount = get it some other time.
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I was hoping Banished would have had a better deal :(

Makes me sad now.

Only Game I did buy was Surgeon Simulator 2013 for the wifey :) for $2.50
My Steam Summer Sale take

Yet Another Zombie Defense
Goat Simulator
Tropico 4 - 4 dlc packs
How to Survive
Borderland Headhunter DLC packs 1-5 + 2 other DLC's
They Breathe
Joe Danger

Also picked up Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge when it went on sale two days after the Summer Sale

Bought and gave away 6 games as well.

Including the $50 I lost when Pink went on it's rampage and the red team swap tokens I had stocked up on tanked, I ended up with $65 less in my wallet than I started. But I did win a copy of StarForge from the DoC Weekly Giveaway as well as picked up Spacechem, Dino D Day, Wooble Tree Adventures and Adventures of Shuggy for free during the sale so I guess I did pretty well all things considered.

10 games for myself + 6 for others
11 DLC
1 game after the sale
1 game won
4 free games
$65 total out of wallet by the end of it all for those keeping score at home
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let me know how u like banished. Im really curious about it.